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I've contacted NameSilo and have both a production and sandbox API credentials.

The production API key works fine, populates the available TLD's and I can create packages.

With the Sandbox API key no packages are found or loaded.  So there is no way to test.

(I just read the "read first" and will get some screen shots, etc.)


So one of my developers reset the database (so he could continue working, I get it), so I won't be able to get screenshots.

The steps involved were:

- add namesilo regular account

- create packages

- create order form

- add namesilo sandbox account (note that it has the same username, different key)

- try to delete regular account (can't, need to delete packages)

- delete packages

- now delete regular account

- try to add packages for sandbox, nothing there

So that was the use-case anyway.  I'm assuming it has something to do with both accounts having the same username possibly stepping on each other.

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