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Stripe Payment - Confirm Payment error on front end



Hi all, i'm testing the Stripe Payment process flow on my blesta 502 setup. Currently setup using Stripe test API. client Test payment using Stripe test Credit Cards info.

The problem is when i tested as client to create order and arrived at this credit card input step, insert card info then click the green button "Pay & Complete order", this error came up:

An error occured when processing the request with the gateway.
The payment gateway returned an error when processing the request.

in the gateway logs - this error mention:

https://api.stripe.com/v1/payment_intent - capture
a:1:{s:5:"error";s:181:"This PaymentIntent could not be captured because it has a status of requires_confirmation. Only a PaymentIntent with one of the following statuses may be captured: requires_capture.";}

checkout page: https://domain.com/order/checkout/index/domain


but...when i make payment for the same item using stripe from within client dashboard using the same info, payment succeeded w/o error.

Its just that for this one after i input the card info, then click "Review & Confirm", it will open Confirm Payment page with does not available during the above situation.

client area payment page: https://myblesta.com/client/pay/confirm/

Is there any settings that i've missed?

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based on stripe docs, i think its related to this:

Confirm a PaymentIntent

Confirm that your customer intends to pay with current or provided payment method. Upon confirmation, the PaymentIntent will attempt to initiate a payment.


If the selected payment method requires additional authentication steps, the PaymentIntent will transition to the requires_action status and suggest additional actions via next_action. If payment fails, the PaymentIntent will transition to the requires_payment_method status. If payment succeeds, the PaymentIntent will transition to the succeeded status (or requires_capture, if capture_method is set to manual).

So...where can i find the settings for the "additional auth steps" for Stripe Payment gateway? is it hardcoded in the plugin?

Or there is setting for the order form to solve this? Because only checkout from order form will have this error since the Confirm Page not appearing. Checkout payment from existing invoice success without issue.

Tested checkout from order form using Paypal Standard, works fine.

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Honestly i don't have any idea on how to solve this, i'm not a coder. By looking at the stripe docs & gateway logs it has to do with the multiple round trips of the API. Tested with Braintree sandbox succeeded without issue and creates only 1 log while stripe creates 4 logs for each transaction so its looks more complicated.

Been playing with the capture_method = automatic also did not work.

Until somebody else can verify this and come out with a solution, temporarily I had to put a notice just below the checkout Pay & Complete Order button to notify user error might shows up and they need to complete the payment by going to their invoice page in client area.


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