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Restarted the server running the forums this afternoon (around 4pm pacific time) and it wouldn't come back up.. kernel panic. ugh


So, I had to restore it and we may have lost a few posts, as the most recent backup was apparently corrupt.. so the one from an hour previous was restored. We back up the forums every hour, with significant retention, and I'm considering backing up more frequently.


The client area is on another server, so completely unaffected.. and that one is backed up more frequently.


If we lost one of your posts, sorry about that. I'm guessing we may have lost a couple.


Could be worse.. You could be using vBulletin right now :-P

For those that don't know they apparently had a huge hack a day or two ago.


I know, crazy huh.. our old forum was vbulletin 3.7, which apparently isn't affected. I never could get myself to upgrade to v4 or v5, and opted to go a different route.


My post was one of those that got ate. No big deal, I'll remake. :)


At least we had a recent backup to work with... so that's good to know. I was wondering why my post disappeared until I went and found my e-mail with the link, which directed me to here. Nice, that.

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