I can set Invoice Format on page /admin/settings/company/billing/customization/ (in my case it is: {year}Company{num}). I would like to pad invoice IDs with zeros. I guess that for this purpose there is inv_pad_size setting (http://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Company+Settings). However, I was not able to make it work - id_code of invoice is 2013Company1 instead of 2013Company0001.
Is it a bug? Or what is the purpose of the inv_pad_size setting?
/app/models/invoices.php (This may be the place where inv_pad_size is not taken into account)
/** * Partially constructs the query required by Invoices::get() and others
* @param int $invoice_id The ID of the invoice to fetch
* @return Record The partially constructed query Record object
private function getInvoice($invoice_id) {
$fields = array("invoices.*",
"REPLACE(invoices.id_format, ?, invoices.id_value)" => "id_code",
"invoice_delivery.date_sent" => "delivery_date_sent"
// Fetch the invoices along with total due and total paid, calculate total remaining on the fly
$this->Record->select($fields)->select(array("invoices.total-IFNULL(invoices.paid,0)"=>"due"), false)->
on("invoice_delivery.date_sent", "!=", null)->leftJoin("invoice_delivery", "invoice_delivery.invoice_id", "=", "invoices.id", false)->
where("invoices.id", "=", $invoice_id)->
return $this->Record;
I can set Invoice Format on page /admin/settings/company/billing/customization/ (in my case it is: {year}Company{num}). I would like to pad invoice IDs with zeros. I guess that for this purpose there is inv_pad_size setting (http://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Company+Settings). However, I was not able to make it work - id_code of invoice is 2013Company1 instead of 2013Company0001.
Is it a bug? Or what is the purpose of the inv_pad_size setting?
/app/models/invoices.php (This may be the place where inv_pad_size is not taken into account)
Thank you!
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