We faced an error during payment account: if we try to change data and save, we get error: "The card type is invalid or could not be determined". Important, that we do not change any credit card information, including card number - we only try to change field "Zip Code".
PS Also we've noticed weird system behaviour if we press link "Show Card": system just opens empty popup window: http://prntscr.com/vxzmom
Blesta version: 4.12.3
Server OS: Centos7
PHP Version: 5.4
Anton Qcl
We faced an error during payment account: if we try to change data and save, we get error: "The card type is invalid or could not be determined". Important, that we do not change any credit card information, including card number - we only try to change field "Zip Code".
PS Also we've noticed weird system behaviour if we press link "Show Card": system just opens empty popup window: http://prntscr.com/vxzmom
Blesta version: 4.12.3
Server OS: Centos7
PHP Version: 5.4
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