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The card type is invalid or could not be determined during editing of Payment Account




We faced an error during payment account: if we try to change data and save, we get error: "The card type is invalid or could not be determined". Important, that we do not change any credit card information, including card number - we only try to change field "Zip Code".

PS Also we've noticed weird system behaviour if we press link "Show Card": system just opens empty popup window: http://prntscr.com/vxzmom

Blesta version: 4.12.3
Server OS: Centos7
PHP Version: 5.4


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If you edit payment account and click "Show Card" right away, the popup window appears correctly, with the field for password. More than that, if you change any information after showing the card and try to save, system will allow you to do so.
But, if you initially try to edit information and save it, system will show you the error. More that that, if you try to press "Show Card" after that, you'll get get an empty popup window.
Video of the second scenario: https://monosnap.com/file/aI6IxxDDis0CuXqrBQHKNaqDw9MCDc

I was able to reproduce the bug on the 4 different Blesta installs (2 of them 4.12.3, 2 of them 4.8)

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