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Extra decimals being used in the total amount




I'm having an issue when using the tag {invoice.due} in the Email templates. 2 extra decimals appear on the total of the amount due. I've attached an image to better understand what I'm talking about.


The amount due should only be "620.00" instead of "620.0000". I've tried modifying some settings in the currency but it didn't solve the issue. Please let me know what I can do to fix this.

Thank you,


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22 hours ago, Gabriel Gutierrez said:


I'm having an issue when using the tag {invoice.due} in the Email templates. 2 extra decimals appear on the total of the amount due. I've attached an image to better understand what I'm talking about.


The amount due should only be "620.00" instead of "620.0000". I've tried modifying some settings in the currency but it didn't solve the issue. Please let me know what I can do to fix this.

Thank you,


Per https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Customizing+Emails you can add a filter. Use numberformat, e.g.

{"12345.6789" | numberformat 2, ".", ","}

Just replace "12345.6789" with the tag that represents the amount.

It might be possible with a feature request that we could update the email tags to observe the currency precision as well, so the above wouldn't be necessary.

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