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Support Manager "Ordered List" Displays the Same Number



Hello Support,

Whenever, I use the "Ordered List" function within the Support Manager's text editor it . . . 

1) - Displays the SAME number for each bullet point

2) - It EVEN places bullet points for the blank spaces between each line break




1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam porta leo quis lacus dignissim rhoncus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
1.  Quisque ultrices, nisi vitae faucibus ultricies, justo quam tristique ante, vel dignissim nisi nisl a mauris.
1. Nam vulputate posuere sapien, id convallis sem porttitor in. In vel blandit augue.
1. In felis ex, volutpat eu auctor feugiat, sollicitudin elementum tellus. Vivamus eros neque, consectetur nec ultrices nec, lobortis a felis. Suspendisse neque arcu, euismod vitae elit eget, tincidunt convallis justo. 



Look forward to your assist.

Thanks in advance.



2 answers to this question

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When I use the ordered list tool it places a 1. and when i hit enter it does not put anything on the next line. If I click the tool again, then I get another 1. Is that what you mean? It might be a bug with CKEditor. We are upgrading CKEditor for 5.0.

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I am not certain what text editor the " Support Manager " uses .

Does not look like the CKEditor interface to me (   but I could be wrong   ) .

BUT . . .

If I am replying to a support ticket - - > and I select multiple rows of lines of text - - > and then click the " ordered list " button - - > I get the following results . . .



1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam porta leo quis lacus dignissim rhoncus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
1.  Quisque ultrices, nisi vitae faucibus ultricies, justo quam tristique ante, vel dignissim nisi nisl a mauris.
1. Nam vulputate posuere sapien, id convallis sem porttitor in. In vel blandit augue.
1. In felis ex, volutpat eu auctor feugiat, sollicitudin elementum tellus. Vivamus eros neque, consectetur nec ultrices nec, lobortis a felis. Suspendisse neque arcu, euismod vitae elit eget, tincidunt convallis justo. 



I am currently using Blesta 4.11.2

NOTE : This phenomena did not occur when I was using Blesta 4.1.0



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