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Cant' remove a plugin on 4.11.2





after upgrading to 4.11.2 successfully can't delete a plugin, even tried to do Uninstall and remove also manually from directory .

Tried to contact also blesta-addons @Blesta Addons, but after 4 days no reply yet. And this plugin is not updated yet.

See in attach.

Screenshot 2020-09-20 at 16.01.07.png

I prefer to not use anymore plugins or modules that require modifications to Blesta files anymore as things stop to work and when it happens, plugin developer doesn't answer for days weeks months. That's insane! @Blesta Addons last time answered after several days or weeks ... I can't wait weeks!


5 answers to this question

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you need to undo the change made to some files during multi-language install plugin, those  files are



once you overwite those files with bleta core files your are done, note you need before any change need to uninstall the plugin from plugins manager.


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Hello @Blesta Addons,


that's already done. I know that before need to uninstall from panel.

After removing it from init and structure and htaccess file frontend works, but backend still not.

can't browse packages clients etc as links point to the client portal.


Btw it's insane I wrote you by ticket 4 days ago and no answer, and now on forum after a while.


And it's not answered yet....



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I also experienced some issues with removing plugins when i upgraded to 4.11.2 .

I also am NO LONGER planning to use anymore 3rd party plugins for the reasons you stated above.

Currently, Blesta is receiving more updates that are finally addressing what the 3rd party plugins WERE able to do .


So here is what helped me when it came to UN-installing difficult 3rd party plugins . . .

1ST Step ) - I made a backup of my database

2ND Step ) - I went into to the database and found the "plugins" DB table

3RD Step ) - I then deleted the DB table of the SPECIFIC plugin that I no longer wanted.

4TH Step ) - YOU MIGHT have to clear BOTH your browser cache AND the cache in Blesta to see the affects of your change.

5TH Step ) - I then tested my front and backend functionalities to make certain everything was working properly

6TH Step ) - I then deleted the "offending" or "UN-desired" plugin from my files via SFTP



Hope this helps.

Let me know.


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On 9/20/2020 at 7:50 AM, vedova said:

After removing it from init and structure and htaccess file frontend works, but backend still not.

I assume by frontend you mean the client interface and by backend you mean the admin interface.  It is important to note that there is a separate structure.pdt files for each at app/view/client/bootstrap/structure.pdt and app/view/admin/default/structure.pdt respectively.  If you have not already, make sure you update that second one in the admin view directory if necessary.  Disclaimer - I have no knowledge of this specific plugin x)

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as addition to @Jono note, you should delete your navigation cache of Blesta from uploads folder.

Blesta has some events, but unfortunately it not covered all blesta areas, we hope to be more events not only for actions but also for view like wordpress or laravel or whmxx .

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