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RE-Creating the "C-Panel Logins" link that was removed prior to 4.11.2



Hello Support,

In version 4.0.1  a client could login to their Blesta account - - > Click the " Manage " button - - > and be taken to a page where they could manage their services.

On that page there WAS  a link within the left-side navigation where they could access their C-Panel account and webmail.

The file responsible for this function WAS called  " tab_client_login.pdt " .

It was located in the   /components/modules/cpanel/views/default    folder .



After upgrading to Blesta 4.11.2 ,

1) - I see the " tab_client_login.pdt " was removed from the folder

2) - And the “C-Panel Logins” Link was also removed from the left-side navigation menu




So I RE-Created this link  that was originally a part of  Blesta in version 4.0.1

1ST ) - I RE-inserted the " tab_client_login.pdt " from my former install ( from version 4.0.1 ) into the folder located at   /components/modules/cpanel/views/default   

2ND ) - Then I added the following code to LINE 14 of the " cpanel.php " file located at   /components/modules/cpanel/language/en_us

$lang['Cpanel.tab_client_login'] = 'CPanel Logins';

So that it looks like . . .

12. $lang['Cpanel.tab_client_stats'] = 'Web Stats & Usage';
13. $lang['Cpanel.tab_client_actions'] = 'Actions';
14. $lang['Cpanel.tab_client_login'] = 'CPanel Logins';


3RD ) - And finally I added the following code to LINE 62 of the " cpanel.php " file located at  /components/modules/cpanel

tabClientLogin' => Language::_('Cpanel.tab_client_login', true)

So that it looks like . . .

57.    public function getClientTabs($package)
58.    {
59.        return [
60.            'tabClientActions' => Language::_('Cpanel.tab_client_actions', true),
61.            'tabClientStats' => Language::_('Cpanel.tab_client_stats', true),
62.            'tabClientLogin' => Language::_('Cpanel.tab_client_login', true)
63.        ];
64.    }

The result is that I have successfully created a link within the left-side navigation menu that links to . . .


[ See Attached Screenshot ]

. . .  BUT  . . .

I cannot get it to successfully link to the " tab_client_login.pdt "  file inside the folder located at . . .  


In other words, when I click on the " CPanels Login " link, it just stays on the same page at . . .




NOTE : I am just trying to RE-create a function that was originally in Blesta 4.0.1, ( but was later removed at some point by versoin 4.11.2 )

Q1) - How do I get the " CPanels Login " link to connect and actually display the interface from the " tab_client_login.pdt "  file ?

Thanks in advance.

Please help.




7 answers to this question

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tab_client_login.pdt has never existing in the official cPanel module.

Here's all of the files that were included with the cPanel module in version 4.0.1:

[root@goshen cpanel]# tree ./
├── apis
│   └── cpanel_api.php
├── composer.json
├── cpanel.php
├── language
│   └── en_us
│       └── cpanel.php
└── views
    └── default
        ├── add_row.pdt
        ├── admin_service_info.pdt
        ├── client_service_info.pdt
        ├── edit_row.pdt
        ├── images
        │   └── logo.png
        ├── manage.pdt
        ├── tab_client_actions.pdt
        ├── tab_client_stats.pdt
        └── tab_stats.pdt

6 directories, 13 files

An SSO powered login has since been added to cPanel by clicking the cPanel service row to expand the section, not under the "Manage" link, though we are open to adding it there also.. if you want to create a request.

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As a client, I would not know to click on the bar that is listing my package/service so that it dynamically un-folds to see a "log-in" link .


Yes. Please add a "C-Panel Login"  link within the left-navigation of the " manage " area.

It is more likely to be found in that area since it is more obvious ( IMO ) .


Thanks in advance.


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Posted (edited)


I posted wrong version. It meant to say "4.1.0" .

Side question . . .

What folder was the " tab_client_login.pdt " file in in version 4.1.0   ?


Edited by turner2f
Rephrased the question
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I posted a NEWER request at . . .


But also . .

this request was already posted a few years ago at . . .



You commented on that ticket by saying . . .


Good idea. This would likely be part of a cPanel module overhaul to add extended functionality. I like the SSO recommendation as well .    ~ Paul


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On 9/21/2020 at 8:55 AM, turner2f said:

Or maybe just add a Tool Tip via a rollover so the client knows to click the bar.

It's just missing a very basic UI element which has been an industry standard for years upon years when it comes to accordions or alike... the plus sign! Even the most basic user will recognise the plus sign as meaning "this element is expandable" and then the minus sign to contract it again. it's a simple convention but makes a world of difference.

For my latest project launching soon I'm using a table plugin in Wordpress and this is how the expandable UI element looks over there:


I'm also using an accordion on my custom blesta order template which again utilises the classic UI element to communicate expandability.

so Blesta just needs to figure out the best way to implement the plus and minus signs in their current table design. as the Manage button is on the right then it would probably be best to have the new UI element on the left.

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@niyo  @Paul

I agree.

Just adding a  " + "  and a  " - "  sign would be great for identifying the accordian as being clickable for expanding / contracting

This would be great for BOTH Desktop and Mobile versions of the interface.

Thanks for sharing.

Hopefully it will make its way into a future update.


Please vote this up at . . .


and at  . . .


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