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When were the invoices actually generated? Were they generated on the same date, or spread out over multiple days? Has the service's renew date been pushed forward? What module does the service use? Does it happen to all services that renew, or only some?

When services are invoiced, their renew date is pushed forward, preventing them from being invoiced again. If the renew date is not pushed forward, then there may be some error, check your ../logs_blesta/ logs.

Also, make sure you have only 1 cron job set up, if you have multiple crons you may be creating a race condition.

15 hours ago, Paul said:

When were the invoices actually generated? Were they generated on the same date, or spread out over multiple days? Has the service's renew date been pushed forward? What module does the service use? Does it happen to all services that renew, or only some?

When services are invoiced, their renew date is pushed forward, preventing them from being invoiced again. If the renew date is not pushed forward, then there may be some error, check your ../logs_blesta/ logs.

Also, make sure you have only 1 cron job set up, if you have multiple crons you may be creating a race condition.

About 5 Invoices are generated per day for the same service.

No the service has not been pushed forward.

One Service uses directadmin module and another service uses "Universal Domains Module"

There is one cron


Blesta Logs: 

No such file or directory {"code":2,"message":"unlink(/tmp/__tcpdf_0ef363bbc1108b7dfe2ab92d3e59dd50_imgmask_plain_106a33274adcffee07754fde377892ee): No such file or directory","file":"/var/www/vhosts/domain.com/httpdocs/vendors/tecnickcom/tcpdf/tcpdf.php","line":7791} 



we have this issue in the past, but it was occasional, we have discovered the origin or the real issue, since it not repeated and it was 2 times during this and last year i haven't made any action. but i can confirm this issue exist and occasional .




The only reason multiple invoices should be generated for the same service in one day is if the renew date is sufficiently in the past that it has to push it forward multiple times to catch up. This usually only happens when cron has not run for an extended period of time, and it has to back bill.

What is the renew date for the service, and what is the term?

The error you included seems unrelated, I would expect something more if it's trying and unable to push the renew date forward and failing. Any third party extensions or modifications?

I would try re-uploading the full version of Blesta to ensure all files are correct, and try running /admin/upgrade again just to be sure that it ran. You can also run this to check the database version:

SELECT `value` FROM `settings` WHERE `key`='database_version';

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