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We are currently developing a tcadmin module. Of course it's going slow but we plan on having a full working version out soon. We are still debating on if we will offer this module for free or for a very small monthly licensing fee. 



Don't pay attention to the horrible logo job. :P












We'll update as we keep moving forward on this project. 



Looking good so far, I will have to say though that you'd probably have better luck offering it for free and taking donations...since Blesta has already said they will be working on an official blesta tcadmin module...unless your's it's better than theirs, there won't be much reason to purchase it.


(except of course for the time between when you release yours and they finish theirs)


Is what you are working on aimed at just allowing an interface between blesta and tcadmin to create the accounts, or will clients be able to actually control their tcadmin services via blesta?


We are aiming to allow customers to start, restart, stop their services through the billing panel. In additional we are also looking at allow console commands through the billing panel. Basically cutting out the tcadmin panel portion out of way so they won't feel the need to open two things. Although we will keep the panel around so people can still access it if they feel more accustom to using the tcadmin panel. 


I would definitely donate to this project as well, keep up the good work! Is this for Tcadmin 2.0 or 1.0?



It's for Tcadmin 2.0. We are looking into multicraft module and also a wordpress bridge module for blesta. 


TCAdmin and Multicraft are literally the only two things holding us back from switching to Blesta, and the quotes I got in the $500 for a custom developed modules didn't sit well with the budget. If you need any resources (such as a testbed, license etc)  feel free to PM I'd be glad to help. 


It would be best to have just a donation button as Blesta plans on making those modules shortly and the last thing people want is more monthly costs. I spoke with a few other providers they are all waiting for TCAdmin and Multicraft before switching to this. $500 isn't that bad of a price however last time I paid a huge amount of money for a custom option for Multicraft it was released to the public a month later which is a little upsetting.


It would be best to have just a donation button as Blesta plans on making those modules shortly and the last thing people want is more monthly costs. I spoke with a few other providers they are all waiting for TCAdmin and Multicraft before switching to this. $500 isn't that bad of a price however last time I paid a huge amount of money for a custom option for Multicraft it was released to the public a month later which is a little upsetting.

Don't you hate it when that happens? Especially when the contract says you can't sell it to anyone else, and its licensed only to you >_<


Yeah it's a pain, I was really pissed about it! However it's got us creating our own in house game panel which will be much better once done and no monthly costs for us is going to have it paying for itself quickly. :)


Yeah it's a pain, I was really pissed about it! However it's got us creating our own in house game panel which will be much better once done and no monthly costs for us is going to have it paying for itself quickly. :)


Are you planning to use it internally only, or distribute it as well?


It's one of those toss up's at this time it's something we'll be using internally for a bit as it will set us apart from others however we're building a licensing into it also so if we wish to rent it out it's something we're going to be able to do. Right now we're paying a stupid amount monthly for our current control panels and rather cut those costs. We're almost done our Minecraft module for our control panel once it's done we'll be testing it out more then building a module for source based games and go from there.  (Whole thing takes so much time :( )


Hello guys.


fragport handed the job of developing this module for him for a cost. We started and made great progress. It was allmost done, just final testing and final tuning was left.


Then he suddently disappeared without paying any amount. I'm totally sad.


Is here anybody who can help me to finish this. Really frustrated.




I think it's not fair asking donation when it's not 100% complete. But you can donate when it's ready to download.


I got some one who use TcAdmin and signed a NDA with him.

NDA say he won't pay any amount so all right of code will be for me.

He is ready to test the module and i can work with him to make it 100% perfect.


Once is it's ready to launch i am planning to upload it to my up coming module/plugin buy&sell website http://www.alltoolkits.com.


It will be the first product uploading to http://www.alltoolkits.com.

Hope evrything will be ready in next month.

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