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Order Page Redirects To Portal & Mass Mail?



Hi there,


Just switched to Blesta from WHMCS, and so far I am loving it far more than WHMCS. I have a few issues though. First of all, the order page just redirects to the portal page whenever I try to click the "order" link, it is probably something really simple that I've missed.


The other issue is I cannot for the life of me find the mass mail feature, which is what I really need right now. I did a quick google search but could only find a post from 2007, and that solution isn't the solution anymore.





I now figured it out, but its a shame I cannot currently register domains, when is enom being added?

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Thanks for telling me about the Enom beta plugin. I made a mistake however, and have a resellerclub domain reseller, not enom. When will RC be accepted? Or do you not know yet?


You can use the logicboxes module for resellerclub (resellerclub runs on logicboxes)

  • 0

Oh okay, thanks :). I got a bit confused lol.


Edit: Oh dear, looks as though I can't use that reseller.. it was provided by WHMCS.. Doh!


You still can mate, use your reseller ID and the API.


ID > click the user mini icon top right.


API > settings > api

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One last thing haha, WHMCS made it easy with registering domains while customers would order hosting. How do I add the domain registration option/pricing with Blesta, and how do I add it onto the hosting options?


You need to select the order form type:


Packages > Order form > Type: Domain and other. at the bottom you select packages to show.


They are changing the front end way soon in the next versions of 3.x.x apparently, but at the moment the select a domain to buy then click on order other items.

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Now I have another issue:


The default order form which people will now click on takes them to the domain registration, however there is no option to say if they already have a domain or not, how do I add this option or how do I edit this specific template to inform customers to skip this step if they already have a domain?

  • 0

Now I have another issue:


The default order form which people will now click on takes them to the domain registration, however there is no option to say if they already have a domain or not, how do I add this option or how do I edit this specific template to inform customers to skip this step if they already have a domain?


You can make another form for hosting and use that as a direct link, like I have if you visit my sites. Everything links directly to the products.

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Well I have this already, but I was looking more in the perspective of ordering from the portal.. which is kinda silly really haha. Thanks.


Yeah they can click order other items on the domain form, or you can change the default to a hosting one.


Packages > Order forms > settings > select the default.

  • 0

This is one area that I feel Blesta is lacking...the inability to choose different packages from one order form (though I think they are working on that functionality).


In the mean time, another way to handle this would be instead of having just one order link on the portal page, adding more in.  If you did something like below, it would add in a link for domains, shared hosting, and reseller hosting, enterprise hosting (or whatever you have for your company).  Can edit in as many as you want...you'll just need to make/get some images if you want different ones for each order type.


In order to implement this:


Go to Settings > Plugins > Manage Portal


then click the "source" button in the top left of the WYSIWYG editor and replace everything with the below code:

(you will need to edit the direct links to each of your order forums, the example below is for my site...you'll have different links)


<div class="description">
		Thank you for visiting, please use the links below to either register an account, place an order, or contact support.</p>
<div class="half section">
	<div class="icon account">
			<a href="{client_url}login/">My Account</a></h1>
			Have an account with us? You can login here to manage your account.</p>
{% if plugins.order %}
<div class="half section">
	<div class="icon account">
			<a href="{blesta_url}order/main/index/register">Register</a></h1>
			Create an account, which you can use to contact support, download items, or purchase services.</p>
{% endif %}
<div class="clear">
{% if plugins.support_manager %}
<div class="half section">
	<div class="icon support_manager">
			<a href="{client_url}plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/add/">Support</a></h1>
			Need help? You can open a trouble ticket here.</p>
{% endif %} {% if plugins.download_manager %}
<div class="half section">
	<div class="icon download_manager">
			<a href="{client_url}plugin/download_manager/">Downloads</a></h1>
			Visit the download area. You may need to be logged in to access certain downloads.</p>
{% endif %}
<hr />
{% if plugins.order %}
<div class="half section">
	<div class="icon order">
			<a href="{blesta_url}order/main/index/shared">Order Shared Plans</a></h1>
			Visit the order form to sign up and purchase a Shared Plan.</p>
{% endif %}{% if plugins.order %}
<div class="half section">
	<div class="icon order">
			<a href="{blesta_url}order/main/index/enterprise">Order Enterprise Plans</a></h1>
			Visit the order form to sign up and purchase an Enterprise Plan.</p>
{% endif %}{% if plugins.order %}
<div class="half section">
	<div class="icon order">
			<a href="{blesta_url}order/main/index/reseller">Order Reseller Plans</a></h1>
			Visit the order form to sign up and purchase a Reseller Plan.</p>
{% endif %} {% if plugins.order %}
<div class="half section">
	<div class="icon order">
			<a href="{blesta_url}order/main/index/domains">Order Domains</a></h1>
			Visit the order form to sign up and purchase a Domain name.</p>
{% endif %}

It will end up looking like this:



  • 0

This is one area that I feel Blesta is lacking...the inability to choose different packages from one order form (though I think they are working on that functionality).


In the mean time, another way to handle this would be instead of having just one order link on the portal page, adding more in.  If you did something like below, it would add in a link for domains, shared hosting, and reseller hosting, enterprise hosting (or whatever you have for your company).  Can edit in as many as you want...you'll just need to make/get some images if you want different ones for each order type.


In order to implement this:


Go to Settings > Plugins > Manage Portal


then click the "source" button in the top left of the WYSIWYG editor and replace everything with the below code:

(you will need to edit the direct links to each of your order forums, the example below is for my site...you'll have different links)


<div class="description">
		Thank you for visiting, please use the links below to either register an account, place an order, or contact support.</p>
<div class="half section">
	<div class="icon account">
			<a href="{client_url}login/">My Account</a></h1>
			Have an account with us? You can login here to manage your account.</p>
{% if plugins.order %}
<div class="half section">
	<div class="icon account">
			<a href="{blesta_url}order/main/index/register">Register</a></h1>
			Create an account, which you can use to contact support, download items, or purchase services.</p>
{% endif %}
<div class="clear">
{% if plugins.support_manager %}
<div class="half section">
	<div class="icon support_manager">
			<a href="{client_url}plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/add/">Support</a></h1>
			Need help? You can open a trouble ticket here.</p>
{% endif %} {% if plugins.download_manager %}
<div class="half section">
	<div class="icon download_manager">
			<a href="{client_url}plugin/download_manager/">Downloads</a></h1>
			Visit the download area. You may need to be logged in to access certain downloads.</p>
{% endif %}
<hr />
{% if plugins.order %}
<div class="half section">
	<div class="icon order">
			<a href="{blesta_url}order/main/index/shared">Order Shared Plans</a></h1>
			Visit the order form to sign up and purchase a Shared Plan.</p>
{% endif %}{% if plugins.order %}
<div class="half section">
	<div class="icon order">
			<a href="{blesta_url}order/main/index/enterprise">Order Enterprise Plans</a></h1>
			Visit the order form to sign up and purchase an Enterprise Plan.</p>
{% endif %}{% if plugins.order %}
<div class="half section">
	<div class="icon order">
			<a href="{blesta_url}order/main/index/reseller">Order Reseller Plans</a></h1>
			Visit the order form to sign up and purchase a Reseller Plan.</p>
{% endif %} {% if plugins.order %}
<div class="half section">
	<div class="icon order">
			<a href="{blesta_url}order/main/index/domains">Order Domains</a></h1>
			Visit the order form to sign up and purchase a Domain name.</p>
{% endif %}

It will end up looking like this:




Love it mate :D maybe a nice place in the Contribute mate.

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Coupon codes? - I setup a coupon in the admin panel but when I try to make an order there isn't a field anywhere to enter it?


You need to make sure you have coupons enabled for each order form as well:


Packages > Order Forms





It shows as a link on the order form 1st and 2nd page, once you get to the 3rd step it won't show anymore and you'll need to go back to enter it.  It's under the total/subtotal on the right hand side, when you click the link it will open up the field for entering the code.




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Ah, I'm not used to making all these modifications, I forgot to enable them on the order forms, thanks :)


Yeah, Blesta does have a bit of a learning curve to start with, but once you get it...it's pretty simple :).  Maybe be a little extra work, but it's pretty customizable :)

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