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I have some problems with coupons.


When I apply a coupon the amount calculates like that:


Original price * tax amount
Original price - discount
Discounted price + tax amount = total


If you give 100% discount you will see that the total = tax amount (doesn't make sense) 

Should be like that:


Original price - discount * tax amount = total

Any ideas?

16 answers to this question

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Hi guys.

There is an other issue with coupon. Coupon applies to all quantity. For example the service price is 10$ monthly and a client picked quantity 3 and I want to give him one for free I setup one coupon with 100% discount or 10$ price for one, the coupon applied to all quantity so total = 0. Because whatever u setup 100% or one price 10$ for 1 quantity it anyway gets as 100% for all. Any ideas how to setup with right way? I think that coupon should have quantity limitation regarding to quantity of service, not only for it self. OR should work with exact amount of discount. (if i create it with 10$, so coupon will apply only 10$ not multiplied on quantity of service)

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That is what was fixed in

[CORE-868] - Coupon discount not affected by service quantity

A 100% discount is just that -- 100% off the order. It does not recognize quantity as a limitation to the discount. Perhaps that would be a nice feature to have as a setting, though. Exclusive coupons currently take 100% off the order, while inclusive coupons do not. You could setup a 100% inclusive coupon, which I think would accomplish what you're expecting.

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% discount applies to whole order is ok. I meant that if i'd like to give fix amount of discount e.g 10$ so it is not possible, because it multiplies on qty of service. (If qty = 3 so it will be 30$ but i wanted give only 10$ for whole order)


I have tried... There is the result ×

Recurring inclusive coupons with a discount option of Amount cannot be created because the discount would be taken for each assigned package individually upon renewal.

If I setup % discount it doesn't take effect at all....

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Inclusive coupons are only applied if ALL of the assigned packages are ordered. If you're only ordering that one service, then you would setup a coupon that applies specifically to it alone.

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I did and it was unsuccessful. But the question is "how can I setup a coupon to give exact amount of discount for whole order?" not percentage but amount. Any help would be appreciated :)

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But the question is "how can I setup a coupon to give exact amount of discount for whole order?" not percentage but amount. Any help would be appreciated :)


Coupons are applied to services, including their quantity, but your way would apply a total amount to an entire order irrespective of services' quantities. The latter would need to be a new feature.

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I indeed encountered the same issue that you are having.


I tested it with my Apple TV's.


It seems like if you do it as $10 off exclusive, then it takes $10 off each item.  So if I order 2 Apple TV's, then it takes $20 off, instead of $10 off.


If I do it as $10 off 'inclusive', it doesn't take ANYTHING off of any of the items in the cart.  As if the coupon doesn't even exist.


I think the coupon system needs an overhaul, as it doesn't appear to be fully functional.  I would say, create a bug and let the developers overhaul the coupon system.

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It seems like if you do it as $10 off exclusive, then it takes $10 off each item.  So if I order 2 Apple TV's, then it takes $20 off, instead of $10 off.


This is intended.



If I do it as $10 off 'inclusive', it doesn't take ANYTHING off of any of the items in the cart.  As if the coupon doesn't even exist.


You can't have an inclusive amount discount. Attempting one would create an error and not apply it. I'm surprised you were able to even create such a coupon, but that would be the only bug related to this.

The OP's original issue was already resolved. Anything else should be described in its own thread.

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I have to confirm that the issue didn't resolve completely. This month Blesta generated invoices with wrong calculation. The tax doesn't apply to coupon. It works only once you add a new service. Next invoice goes out with wrong calculation.

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Why don't you guys apply tax to "Subtotal"?


Tax can be enabled/disabled per client, invoice line item, or package, so tax does not always necessarily encompass the entire invoice subtotal.

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Looks like I'm very late to this thread, but having a similar question.


I have a package for $35, and want to discount it to $1. So I created a coupon for $34. But the tax on the invoice (5%) is applying to the original package price. I did read this entire thread, but still unsure how to accomplish my task. 

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