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Blesta transactions are too complicated


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Returned is like dispute I assume and Refunded if when you refund someone.


Declined is when a payment hasn't gone through normally card payments.


Just imagine you are in a retail shop buying something and then paying by card.

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I think the best question is, what are you intending to use the transactions for? You don't have to use a status like "Returned" if you don't want to or your payment processor does not support a similar status.

Different payment gateways provide different transaction statuses, and the statuses Blesta supports covers pretty much all of them in a generic way.


  • Approved - payment received
  • Declined - payment declined/refused
  • Voided - payment voided/invalid
  • Error - payment error occurred
  • Pending - payment may be received but awaiting confirmation; on it's way; authorized but not yet captured
  • Refunded - payment was probably Approved in the past, but has now been refunded back to the client
  • Returned - payment was probably not Approved in the past, but any money received was returned back to the client

Use, or don't use, those statuses to your liking, but "Approved" should be your successful payment received status and all of the others are not.

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  • Declined - payment declined/refused
  • Error - payment error occurred

So it's duplicated. Both are error. Try to be simple is the best. DigitalOcean is success because they are keeping things simple.

  • Refunded - payment was probably Approved in the past, but has now been refunded back to the client
  • Returned - payment was probably not Approved in the past, but any money received was returned back to the client

Both are duplicated and have to refund to card holder. So please keep it simple.


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2 hours ago, itvietnam said:
  • Declined - payment declined/refused
  • Error - payment error occurred

Declined, generally means no money in account.

Error, network issue etc

They are completely different.

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A comparison to DigitalOcean doesn't really apply here since they are not a payment gateway. The transaction statuses in use by Blesta cover the basic statuses one might expect given the breadth of statuses some payment gateways use. For instance, GoCardless responds with any of the following statuses:

  • Payment Created
  • Customer Approval Granted
  • Customer Approval Denied
  • Payment Cancelled
  • Payment Confirmed
  • Payment Paid Out
  • Payment Retried
  • Payment Autoretried
  • Late Failure Settled
  • Chargeback Settled
  • Test Failure
  • Insufficient Funds
  • Refer to Payer
  • Bank Account Closed
  • Direct Debit Not Enabled
  • Invalid Bank Details
  • Bank Account Transferred
  • Mandate Canceled
  • Mandate Expired
  • Authorisation Disputed
  • Refund Requested
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13 minutes ago, itvietnam said:

so both are incomplete transaction/payment? right?

Declined means the bank declined the charge. Error means there could have been a problem with the gateway and the charge may otherwise go through. In both cases, the charge did not complete and will not settle. However, there is a major distinction between the two. In the case of a decline, there can be many reasons. Account doesn't have the funds, or the address doesn't match the one provided (AVS mismatch). Whatever the case, you should check Tools > Logs > Gateway to see what the raw response was from the gateway which may give more clarity to the reason.

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