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Disable Ticket Auto-Response?



Is there a way to disable the auto-response that is sent when a ticket is received?


I have some departments I want to setup to view within the system, but I don't want them to send out auto-responses (accounting purposes, personal employee emails, etc).

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Could you elaborate on why you'd like to disable ticket emails? Maybe this would be a good feature request.


But currently, no, there is not a way to disable ticket reply emails.

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I like to have all of my emails in one place, rather than using it as "just" a support desk, I like to have my administrative emails in the system as well so I can keep track of them.


For example, I have an account email address that I use with paypal.  I want this to be in the system.  However, when someone pays via paypal, it will send a paid notification...which then gets an auto-response, which in turn makes paypal send another email, etc...luckily paypal is smart about this and stops the loops, however I have in the past had hundreds of emails bouncing back and forth from something like this.


That's just one example, but there are plenty of reasons why sometimes you wouldn't want certain email address sending out a notification.

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+1 for this


We centralized monitoring e-mail alerts in our ticket system. That way any operator can see the monitoring alerts and re-act accordingly, auto-responses would be pretty pointless in this scenario.  It shouldn't be too much work to add something like this.



So a department-level setting to disable emails from being sent would suffice? I'm not sure how popular this feature would be, though. Perhaps a feature request poll?



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