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Support Plugin - Retrieving Emails



Hi All,


I have searched around and haven't seen anyone with the following issue so I am not sure if just specific to my install...



So I have the support plugin installed and configured. Everything works when a ticket is opened and worked through blesta including email confirmations to the support staff + the client.


However,  If an email gets sent out to the support department, Blesta fails to import the email.


I am 100% sure that the email settings are accurate and I can confirm that Blesta does attempt to retrieve the email as they are marked as "read".


I have tried Piping, POP3, and IMAP and same issue.



I checked the logs and the following cron job gets stuck for hours... unless I disable the plugin and setup from scratch and run the cron again (work around to try different settings).


As soon as the cron is ran the email gets flagged as read (as mentioned before) so I am sure the problem is at point of Blesta attempting to import it to a ticket + delete the email.



Output Attempting plugin cron for support_manager poll_tickets.


 Any help would be appreciated.

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I've not had that issue yet mate, I use piping however we use another script the guys did for us on the forum:




#!/usr/local/bin/php -q
 * This files pipes email messages into the system. This is configured to process
 * messages for only a single company ID. Clone this file and change the
 * $company_id variable below to add pipe support for additional companies.
$company_id = 1;

try {
	include(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ".." . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ".." . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "lib/init.php");
	$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = null;
    $argv = array(
		'plugin/support_manager/ticket_pipe/index/' . $company_id
	// Dispatch the Web request
	if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))
	// Dispatch the CLI request
catch (Exception $e) {
	try {
		// Attempt to raise any error, gracefully
	catch (Exception $e) {
		if (Configure::get("System.debug"))
			echo $e->getMessage() . " on line <strong>" . $e->getLine() .
				"</strong> in <strong>" . $e->getFile() . "</strong>\n" .
				"<br />Printing Stack Trace:<br />" . nl2br($e->getTraceAsString());
			echo $e->getMessage();
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I believe this is a bug.  After further heavy testing and trying multiple things this is happening only when the Automatic Cron is ran via cpanel.  I have verified the PHP path and everything is accurate.


If I run the cron manually from Blesta the tickets are imported perfectly.


Paul or someone at blesta can you please move this over to the Bug section?







Blesta version 3.0.5




X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.27

Content-type: text/html


Attempting to run all tasks for My Company.

Attempting to apply credits to open invoices.

There are no invoices to which credits may be applied.

The apply credits task has completed.

Attempting to deliver invoices scheduled for delivery.

No invoices are scheduled to be delivered.

The deliver invoices task has completed.

Attempting to provision paid pending services.

The paid pending services task has completed.

Attempting to unsuspend paid suspended services.

The unsuspend services task has completed.

Attempting to process renewing services.

The process renewing services task has completed.

Attempting plugin cron for order accept_paid_orders.

Finished plugin cron for order accept_paid_orders.

Attempting plugin cron for support_manager poll_tickets.

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