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I've got a ticket open, but figured I'd see if anyone else experienced the same thing and how it was fixed (if there is a way to do so without dev assistance).


I reinstalled blesta on the same domain (moved to a different server), and now when I try to activate it, it is saying license invalid.


I have tried to reissue the license, but it doesn't seem like it's actually going through with the reissue, as the details still say the domain in it (though it's the same domain, so that shouldn't be a problem?).


I've even tried to install blesta somewhere else to use the license with a reissue, but nothing seems to work...just says license invalid every time, even though the license is active.


Any ideas, or do I just need to have the devs reissue for me?

15 answers to this question

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Your IP has probably changed, therefore the location of your install is invalid. You need to re-issue your license:


Go to account.blesta.com --> Manage on the license --> Tick the reissue box and click save.


Or if you got your license from a license distro or your reseller host, you need them to do it for you.



Edit: Oh you've tried it? I've not had any issues yet with it.

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Edit: Oh you've tried it? I've not had any issues yet with it.


Yup, that's what I've always done, but it doesn't seem to be actually reissuing the license when I try to do it.  Page just saves and says "The data was successfully updated.", and if I go back to the license details, it still shows the domain it's assigned to.

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Yup, that's what I've always done, but it doesn't seem to be actually reissuing the license when I try to do it.  Page just saves and says "The data was successfully updated.", and if I go back to the license details, it still shows the domain it's assigned to.


Oh it will until you enter the key on the new install mate.

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Oh it will until you enter the key on the new install mate.




Well I've got paul helping in a ticket now.  So far I've determined it's not a firewall issue as I turned csf off completely and still happening.  The search continues :D

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Well I've got paul helping in a ticket now.  So far I've determined it's not a firewall issue as I turned csf off completely and still happening.  The search continues :D


Paul will be able to help you, fix it and you can get rolling again mate :).

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I think you said something about things being locked down on the VPS it's installed on? I would try installing on another server. It looks like your key may be jacked up, or is altered during the request somehow. Very strange.

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I don't have the option onf installing on another server :D


Is there a way to fix the key?  Redownload and Reinstall?  I've tried that once already, but can do it again.


If you wish I'd set you up an account on my server for you to fix your Blesta issue mate.

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If you wish I'd set you up an account on my server for you to fix your Blesta issue mate.


That's awefully nice of you, and I might just take you up on that.  I want to play around with it a bit more on this end though as I really want to figure out why it's doing this on my new VPS...driving me crazy, lol.

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That's awefully nice of you, and I might just take you up on that.  I want to play around with it a bit more on this end though as I really want to figure out why it's doing this on my new VPS...driving me crazy, lol.


Ok mate :).

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Finally got everything working, I ended up just reinstalling the server, OS, WHM, etc, all myself.  Apparently the "securecpanel" version of Centos that they were using for default vps provisioning is a little "too" secure.


Never heard of that before mate lol I use CloudLinux.

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Never heard of that before mate lol I use CloudLinux.


yeah, I think it's their own special version that they've modified to automatically install whm/cpanel with about a trillion security features enabled.  Every time I got one thing fixed, there were two more things preventing things from working.  Was going on two days of messing with it and still wasn't working.  Reinstall myself and 30 minutes later I'm up and running :D

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yeah, I think it's their own special version that they've modified to automatically install whm/cpanel with about a trillion security features enabled.  Every time I got one thing fixed, there were two more things preventing things from working.  Was going on two days of messing with it and still wasn't working.  Reinstall myself and 30 minutes later I'm up and running :D

Good news mate, yeah I always like installing stuff myself you know what you want done lol.

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