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Cento-Webpanel, How to reactivate cancelled user account



Hi guys,

i manually provisioned a user account for Centos-Webpanel using Blesta.

I am not sure how, but Blesta at some point has cancelled said user account on Centos-Webpanel and i wasnt aware that this has happened. The account cancelled 5 days ago according to Blesta, however, i have been logging into the CWP user account (that is supposedly cancelled by Blesta) and making changes to the wordpress website via Wordpress and only just now have realised this.

Now i realise i cannot log into the CWP user panel...browser says "Account suspended" (but actually in Blesta it says account is cancelled).

How do i reverse this in Blesta?

Can i go into the Blesta database and change this manually?

Am i correct in saying, if i attempt to add a new service in Blesta, the existing website is either going to be deleted and overwritten or, i will simply get an error because there is already an account on the CWP system?


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Ok so i think i may have found a solution on the Blesta end...

1. Using phpmyadmin, open the Blesta database

2. open table "services"

3. select row where the "package_Id", "client_id", "date_added", "date_cancelled" etc all coincide with the CWP user account that is suspended/cancelled

4. Edit the row and scroll down until you find the "Status" field. Change it from "cancelled" to "active".


I think this may have solved my problem. Perhaps this will help someone else in the future.

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Typically, when a service is canceled, it is deleted from the connected server (CWP in your case). The fact it was not is the reason you could simply change the status of the service in Blesta to get it working again. You would normally create a new service.

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ok, so if I create a new service, and the old service still has a functioning website on the CWP server...what will happen?

What is really needed is a way of synchronising existing accounts on webservers so that they "import" if you like. Is there a way of doing this with the module or manually in Blesta?

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The CWP module removes the user's account on CWP when the service is canceled in Blesta. I don't recall whether that removes the website, but I imagine it would.

Synching might be possible, but is not currently supported by the module. You can create a service in Blesta that is tied to an existing CWP account by adding a service in the admin UI, entering the domain, username, and password, and ensuring "Use Module" is unchecked when you create it.

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