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Client Side not showing errors returned from gateway buildProcess()



we have a gateway that set a error if returned from the gateway and set it to the returned data, but blesta is not showing the returned error .

i have made a simple test and made the buildprocess return a error, but blesta client side is not showing it when the client want to pay with that gateway.


is blesta not showing the returned errors in process view, or we have missed something ?

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after some look at blesta code, i find that the GatewayPayments->getBuildProcess() is not setting the errors, it only return the html returned data, in this case is a empty value . we have made a simple fix, in two files .

components/gateway_payments/gateway_payments.php  line 162

change from

        return $html;


        if (($errors = $gateway_obj->errors())) {
            // If no response given and errors set, pass those errors along

        return $html;


file controllers/client_pay.php line 868

change from



            $gateway_buttons = $this->Payments->getBuildProcess(
            if ($errors = $this->Payments->errors()) {
				$this->setMessage('error', $errors);

            $this->set('gateway_buttons', $gateway_buttons);


with this way, any error returned the the buildproccess will shown to the client . like invalid zip code,  empty state ...ect

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