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[How To Guide] AJAX Boxes Order Form - Configurable Options Direct Link

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Hello Blesta Community,

Here's a quick snippet of being able to link directly to configurable options within the AJAX Boxes order forms template:

Example Link:
example.com/order/main/packages/EXAMPLE/?..etc-data...&group_id=[Your Group ID]&configoptions[1]=[Option Value 1]&configoptions[2]=[Option Value 2]

Edit File: /plugins/order/views/templates/ajax/main_packages.pdt

Add the following code after the "// Process change currency request" portion of the javascript code:

		// GET URL Variables as associative array 
		function getURLVars() {
			var vars = [], hash;
			var hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&');
			for(var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++) {
				hash = hashes[i].split('=');
				vars[hash[0]] = hash[1];
			return vars;
		//Change Config Options in URL: &configoptions[1]=VALUE&configoptions[2]=VALUE...etc
		$(document).ready(function() {
				configCount = 0;
				while (configCount < 10) {
					var ConfigVar = getURLVars()["configoptions[" + configCount + "]"];
					if(ConfigVar) {
						$("#configoption_" + configCount).val(ConfigVar).change();
			}, 5000);

			//Secondary call after 10s
			//This helps resolve issues with coupon codes. Prices would show up correct, but drop downs would show incorrect
				configCount = 0;
				while (configCount < 10) {
					var ConfigVar = getURLVars()["configoptions[" + configCount + "]"];
					if(ConfigVar) {
						$("#configoption_" + configCount).val(ConfigVar).change();
			}, 10000);


Edit the "configCount < 10" based on how many variables your site requires.

Please note there is a 5 second delay where it updates the configurable options.
I'm aware there is probably a better method to do this and I'd love to see the community improve upon this idea by sharing below :)

(Note: It does seem AJAX Boxes order form does have an issue where you login/create account it blanks out the config options)

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