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4 answers to this question

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Yes for reselerclub use logic box mofule.To set everything ready for selling,first go to reseller club than whitelist your blesta installation IP...after that get back in blesta and configure logicbox module.When you do that,go to packages--->browse packages(this is navigation menu) and create new package and select module logic box...check which extensions you want set under that price,...set name for that new package group(create new in same proces ..last step on same page) and save....Now go to packages--->order forms and create new order form but  change order form type from general to domain and other...select widget/order template. and configure order form as you want(allow cupons or not, Force Secure Connection (HTTPS)  or not..etc)and as last step assign package group to order form(you create and name it as last step in domain package configuration)..and save order form....When you go to package--->order forms you will see all order forms but just bellow main navigation menu you will see two tabs ..first order forms and settings...if you go to settings there you can set this order form(or any other as default) and if you set this..than when you visit   https://yourdomain.com/order you'll get to default order form...also under settings there are few more settings fraud check,recaptcha,embeded code..etc..

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I took all the steps and it worked. My question I saw in this company is ... After registering the domain it is already going to a second step which is to purchase the hosting plan how do I do this?



I put a video, I want to create this step by step, the client registers the domain, then it is already redirected to the purchase of the desired plan.
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To do that,you have to also create hosting package and group for hosting package than go to configurable options and there create group, and as member packages assign domain package group and hosting package group...after that go and edit order form...now you'll see configurable options and there just assign group you created under configurable options...At same way you can show domain extensions from different domain modules on same order form....ie..com,net from enom and org,info from resellerclub..

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