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How To Prevent? Cpanel Useraccount@serverhostname Showing As The Return Address In Email Tickets



I have php email piping active based on the php fix in another thread, so email piping works just great.


However, every ticket email goes to clients as "cPanelusername@fullserverhostname on behalf of whicheverdepartment@mydomain.com"


I'd very much like to keep the domain's cPanel username private! How can this be done?


Also, in the email headers, it shows the php piping string. Hopefully that will never be a security issue . . .

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Interesting issue, and I'm assuming that the forwarder you're using is not related in any way to your cPanel username.


This might be a question for cPanel support. Unless this is just showing up in the headers of the email, in which case it's likely WHM has been configured to include the cPanel username in the headers for the purpose of quickly identifying spam.

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