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3 hours ago, EMar said:


Looking at this guide about Paypal Payments Standard module: https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/PayPal+Payments+Standard

When adding a notification url for Paypal IPN, I don't see any directory in Blesta for callback/gw/1/paypal_payments_standard

Do I still just add: Notification URL https://clients.store.com/callback/gw/1/paypal_payments_standard



// The URL that gateway callback requests should be directed to
Configure::set("Blesta.gw_callback_url", "http" . (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != "off" ? "s" : "") . "://" . (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : "localhost") . WEBDIR . "callback/gw/");

The above bit (already preexisting in your /config/blesta.php) allows for it to be routed correctly when the request is made.

23 hours ago, EMar said:

Thanks for verifying Gosu

Are PayPal transactions now being recorded in your Blesta? I just noticed I replied to another thread of yours regarding PayPal.

Just to add, Blesta set's the IPN URL in each payment button. However, if IPN is disabled in PayPal, PayPal still requires a URL to be set to re-enable it. The URL is not that important, because Blesta sets it with each request.

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