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Domain and Other order form not visible without forcing package group

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If you wish to sell hosting as-well as domains you can select the hosting packages by dragging the hosting package groups from right to left.

With reference to the documentation, it is implied that order forms of "Domain and Other" type may optionally be used to bundle hosting packages with domains. However I am experiencing an issue if "Assigned Groups" is empty the form does not display on the order page at all. With everything else unchanged, if I move a package group from available to assigned the order form is visible. The problem is that it is forcing the bundling of domains + hosting in a scenario where I want to sell only domains with this order form.

Blesta v4.4.2
php v7.2

Order System -> Settings -> Default Order Form: None - Show Listing
Order Form Name: Domains
Label: domains
Visibility: Public
Type: Domain and Other
Template: Standard
Default Client Group: General
Allow Coupons: unchecked
Require Manual Review and Approval of All Orders: unchecked
Force Secure Connection (HTTPS): unchecked
Require Human Verification Challenge for All Signups: checked (reCaptcha is working)
Require Agreement to Terms of Service: checked (absolute url to pdf document is working)
Domain Package Group: Domains
Assigned Groups: Empty
Currencies: USD checked
Gateways: PayPal checked

Those are my settings in the order form.

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