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Hi all, 

i am trying to find out how to fully set up a hosting package from start to finish, i have tried for couple hours now without any luck. i have VPS, Plesk panel web pro, 

if there is a step by step and i did missed i will really appreciate  ant help. 

Note, i dont want to sell any domains atm, only hosting packages ( i have like 10 clients which i would like to add them into the clients and assign them the required hosting package. 

I am not sure what module do i need or how the hole process works. 


Many many thanks. 

2 answers to this question

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For Plesk, did you follow the guide at https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Plesk ? It will guide you with installing the Plesk module, configuring it, creating your packages, and then there's a link at the end with docs for creating your first order form.

Prior to this, you might want to install and configure a payment gateway under Settings > Company > Payment Gateways, as you'll want to enable a payment method when you add your order form.

Let us know if you get hung up anywhere!

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First step Install Plesk module (settings-->module-->available-->install plesk module

Step two,add your VPS as Plesk server (set admin as username or root and admin/root password as password,in IP field set public IP you set as shared IP in plesk)

Step 3,add package..there you have to set name and description of your package,in module option select plesk....in server group field check any ...than service plan field will be available...select one you want to sell.Than set pricing,in field term you need to set 1,2 or any number you want to be....than select period month or year...etc....than set currency and price,setup fee...After you set first billing period ...for example 1 month  price 2.00$    setup fee 0.00   Cancellation Fee 0.00 ,you can add additional price..for 3 months ...6 months..1 year..etc.

Next thing would be welcome email template(when account created your client will get it)..this is something you can find here at forum and edit to fit your needs or write yourself.Than you need to assign package to at least one group(can be assigned to more than one),if there is no groups available create new group...just select option create group and name it..like Plesk hosting...Web hosting...Linux hosting or what ever you want..After that click on create package and you have package....But now you need order form...To create order form navigate to packages--->order form and at right side clcik add option....

There you need to set few things...name and label(used also as url string)are first two...name will be also title ..you can set for example name Plesk start ..label plesk hosting...or what ever you want...Next two fields are visibility and type,these fields are by default set to public and general and this is what you want to set if you want this package to be only for hosting plan only(or any other service/product only)...if you want first domain search and order form to be shown than hosting plan you need to set domain and other as order form type.Also there is client registration type..as name suggest,no order form..just registration form.Next is order form template or widget,you can select any of available.....Than you need to set default client group,by default set to users and than there are few checkbox fields and one tex box..there you can select will you force https on order form,will orders wait for manual review ,allow cupons..and url of terms of service(required only if you check " Require Agreement to Terms of Service ) ...

Last thing is package group....here you will see group you created when hosting package is created but groups also can be created if you navigate to packages--->package groups.After this click create order form and that is it...you can now also,on same page "order form" navigate to settings and select default order form and few more options...After this your first package will be available at this order form..when you want more packages to be at same order form/page,create more packages and at last step,before click create packages,don't create new package group...instead add package to same group.

To be more clear here is logic behind....you have package groups....to these groups you will assign packages(for example plesk hosting group will have few plesk packages...cpanel hosting groups few cpanel packages..etc)and than you assign one or more group/s to order form..for example you add two groups..Plesk hosting and cpanel group...than you add 3 plesk packages to plesk hosting group, and 3 cpanel packages to cpanel group....now you add new order form named web hosting and assign plesk hosting and cpanel hosting groups to this order form...when you visit this order form url you will have 6 hosting packages offered...if you want instead to have two order forms,one for plesk and one for cpanel plans than you will add two order forms and assign one group to each order form.

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