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I had 1 server earlier and all my packages were pointing to that server only, so all packages had a single hostname (cpanel hosting). Now I got 2 servers and I added the new server into blesta and changed the package config to point to new server which has a different hostname. But when I click on a record of services to view login details, it still shows old (wrong) hostname and not the new one.

How to fix ? It should automatically show up the new hostname according from the package > server. But its still showing old hostname.


4 answers to this question

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Did you migrate all previous cPanel services to the new server? The simple thing to do if the old server is no longer active and you moved all hosting accounts to the new server, is to update the server module row in the cPanel module so that it's the new server. Rather than add a new one, just edit it under Settings > Modules > cPanel > Manage. If you've already added the new one, you can just update the old one also and they will both be the same.

Alternatively, you can put both servers in the same server group (In the cPanel module) and then when you go to Manage the service as an admin, you will see a drop down that includes all servers in that group and it will allow you to change it. But then you have to edit all cPanel services that were on the old server.

I hope that makes sense!

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I had 1 server in which i had 400 accounts, i got another server and I move 200 into the new server. I added the new server in the blesta (in the same server group) and I also updated the packages (related to the accounts which I moved to new server), all is fine. But the services are showing old hostname even when the packages have been updated to show the new hostname.

Services should instantly show the new info from the related packages. It seems this was not done properly. How to fix ?


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The cPanel server has little to do with the actual package they are using. To change this you need to do the following from the docs: https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/cPanel#cPanel-MovingcPanelAccounts

To summarize:

  • In the cPanel module, make sure both servers are in the same server group.
  • Click to Manage the cPanel service that you want to associate with the new server
  • You should see a dropdown at the top of the page, select the new server and save
  • Repeat for each service
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I do not see any dropdown in the services where I can change the server. I only see a package / term changing dropdown, in which I see the packages with the terms / prices. And all services are on the correct packages, they are just not showing the correct hostname.


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