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No order emails to staff




I wanted to test your software and trial installed  it on the cpanel 
I have read this   topic   https://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/886-adminstaff-dont-get-order-received-emails/ 

I have add group staff   Administrator  and Billing   with two    user  with different  emails 

In edit staff group i have checked  all options  for  Administrator  and Billing

Billing -  check all

Client -  check all

Home -  check all

Packages -  check all

Search - check all

Settings - check all

Tools - check all

Support   - check all

Package is created  and installed   Offline module payment 

In order step i create new user, add product to cart and clomplete order with offline payment

but   i don't receive  (am administrator or billing staff  ) any email  with order  from system 

Can you please explain what i'm doing wrong  ?












13 answers to this question

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Under Billing > Orders widget do you see the cog/gear icon in the upper right of that Orders widget? Click it. You can subscribe to order emails. Every admin that should get these emails must go here to set this up.

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36 minutes ago, jarecki74 said:

ok, emails    works  , thank you


i have other   question

haw add blank form text field like " domain name " to  hosting package  ?




Normally the module handles this. For example, cPanel creates this field if selling cPanel hosting. If you are manually provisioning and do not need to use a provisioning module then you can use the Universal Module and create a Service field for your Universal Module Product for this.

Alternatively, if using no module or some other module that does not request the field and you want to ask for it, you can create a configurable option of the type text for this. Packages > Configurable Options. Assign your Option to an Option Group, and this Option Group would be assigned to your Package.

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Posted (edited)
49 minutes ago, Paul said:


i have install universal module   

if i click  " add package option "  or " add service option" no option display   (i have checked in firefox and chrome )

looks like blesta have some error

i use php5.6






Edited by jarecki74
the continuation of thoughts
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Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, Paul said:

This is an example: https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Universal+Module?preview=/2621655/3080417/universalmodule-edit-service.png

You should fill out the current field before adding new fields. The button adds new fields for me in Blesta 4.4.1 in Chrome.

from my end i don see option to add  ,  if i click   add package option  nothing display


Edited by jarecki74
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6 minutes ago, Paul said:

Scroll down to the Service Option section. This is where you will add the Domain field.

this same situation,  if i click to  add service option nothing display 


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There should be fields displayed under Label, Name, Type, etc. and they are not. Are you using a modified Universal Module? Try re-uploading the module files and check again. If that doesn't resolve, check your error logs (Typically under ../logs_blesta/). You can also try enabling error reporting in your /config/blesta.php config file by changing ErrorReporting from "0" to "-1". and see if an error is output to that page. Something is not right - haven't seen this before.

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simple i have go to module and install  universal  module 


[2018-11-25 18:18:36] general.WARNING: E_WARNING: sprintf(): Too few arguments {"code":2,"message":"sprintf(): Too few arguments","file":"/home/webinfo/public_html/blesta/vendors/minphp/language/src/Language.php","line":125}
[2018-11-25 18:18:43] general.WARNING: E_WARNING: sprintf(): Too few arguments {"code":2,"message":"sprintf(): Too few arguments","file":"/home/webinfo/public_html/blesta/vendors/minphp/language/src/Language.php","line":125}
[2018-11-25 18:19:25] general.WARNING: E_WARNING: sprintf(): Too few arguments {"code":2,"message":"sprintf(): Too few arguments","file":"/home/webinfo/public_html/blesta/vendors/minphp/language/src/Language.php","line":125}



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Oh, you PM'd me. :P

What version of Blesta are you running? Download another copy of it, and re-upload /components/modules/universal_module to your server and try again. You may need to clear cache.

The warning in your logs is probably a non-issue, and unrelated.

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