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Provision with Internal IP + Port??




I have a specific target for my VPS's and I want to use a single server IP and a pool of internal IP's.

When provisioning the VPS is it possible to provide the customer with the main server IP and a Port?


I have the everything working as I need it to be in terms of IP's, Ports, VPS's etc, but I am manually giving the customers the login details at the moment.

Is there a way to automate the provisioning in this situation?

I am currently using virtualizor, but with SolusVM being taken over recently I am hoping to one day switch back to that.



Thanks for your help

7 answers to this question

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4 hours ago, activa said:

Virtualizor has a module for blesta, he will auto provisioning the vps in blesta without a manual intervention .

yes but it can only provision with different IP's for each server.

If I want to have a shared IP for all VPS's using different ports per VPS, how can I auto provision that?

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11 hours ago, Stu said:

yes but it can only provision with different IP's for each server.

If I want to have a shared IP for all VPS's using different ports per VPS, how can I auto provision that?

This is the first time i know we can use 1 ip for multiple vps.

I dont know how this possible with thier module have you asked them ?

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VPS's must have a dedicated IP. Are you provisioning with an internal IP, and providing SSH on a single routable IP for all servers, and doing port forwarding of some sort? Isn't it a manual process to provision port forwarding? If so, where is that information coming from and how will the module know about it?

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Hi Paul,


yes at the moment it is a manual process.

I am doing it exactly as you describe using a pool of internal IP's. Each internal IP corresponds to a port on a predefined list that I have already configured in my firewall.

for example intenal IP allocated to the VPS =

to access that as a customer they will connect to ExternalIP :2010

then = ExternalIP :2011



I understand the module has no way of knowing how I have configured my port forwarding and the list of services each host could require is infinite so there can't be anything predefined built in that would suite everyone.

I'm more asking how I could achieve sending the external IP and port in the provisioning email instead of the internal IP.

Something like...


if provisioned IP =

then send customer ExternalIP :2010


Some kind of table where I could enter IP and port forward would be great, is that doable? I imagine I would need to commission someone to make an addon for that, which is fine if its doable.

failing that, is there another way to achieve it?


Thanks for all your help everyone,

I know this is an unusual way of doing things, but it suits my particular situation.

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from my knowledge, Virtualizor and Virtualizor Extended modules will not handle this case, what i can suggest is to use our Data Pool Module, with that module you can enter in the module a list of ip:port already defined from your side, then you can setup the welcome email to send them, so any client will order a service the module will remove the ip:port line from the data pool, so your work will create the a vps with defined port mapping, then paste them, and watch the datapool time by time to add more ip:port if is almost finished .

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