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Plesk Module - No 'Service Plans' drop-down in Add Package



Hi everyone,

First, I wanted to highlight that I have seen this issue mentioned recently in another post, but the problem didn't occur on a second server, so it was viewed as a server issue!

The problem I'm seeing is repeatable across installs, and across different servers.

A bit of background - I've been running a modified 4.1.1 Blesta install for months now which has been working flawlessly with three Plesk Onyx Servers. I didn't update because of the modifications made. I decided following the updates to 4.3.2 that I wanted to be able to update my installs so I created some scripts to automate some mods, and phased out some other mods allowing me to upgrade following the normal process with no worries.

I decided to test 4.3.2 on a test server dedicated to Blesta, which is 'connected' to another test server running Plesk Onyx. The test set-up had also been running 4.1.1 without problem. Both servers run Ubuntu 16.04 configured to use PHP 7.0 and do not have issues with NAT IP's, etc.

NOTE: From this point forward I am discussing the test servers and the installs of both 4.1.1 and 4.3.2 are 'Vanilla' installs with no modifications. As such the Plesk Modules are versions 2.4.0 and 2.5.0.

The installs were performed on the same Blesta server and were fresh installs of Ubuntu and Blesta. The installs were performed by a script that has been carefully tuned over a few weeks of use to install Blesta. The only step remaining after the install is to enter the license and staff details in the browser. This script was used to install both versions of Blesta. The only modification to the script is a variable to tell it which Blesta version to pull in for the install. This means that the steps are performed in the same order and PHP modules, etc meet the requirements for Blesta. The Blesta folder included the PHP 7.0 HOT FIX update.

1. The Problem

I installed 4.3.2 as explained above. No problems were observed during the install. I logged into the dashboard, checked that all widgets were loaded, that cron was working and completed a basic set-up e.g company name. Next I installed the 'Plesk Module', set-up a Server Group called 'Plesk Servers' and added my Plesk Test Server - Label, IP address, username, password. No problems were encounter so far.

Next I went into 'Packages' > 'Browse Packages' and selected 'Module' - Plesk, 'Server Group' - Plesk Servers, and 'Standard' account type. Finally, I expected the 'Plesk Service Plan' to be populated but it never was. It just showed '-- please select --'. This was never updated at all following repeated reloads, etc.

The Plesk Module Logs showed;

a:1:{s:6:"filter";a:0:{}}.                     (Input, Success).

No Output was observed, but this has always been the same on the 4.1.1 production servers.

If I altered the 'Plesk Server' password to be wrong I observed the following output in the log indicating that successful communication with the Plesk Server API was occurring.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <packet version="">
            <errtext>You have entered incorrect username or password.</errtext>
        </system>    </packet>

2. What was Checked

Obviously, I assumed that the install was to blame. So I checked;

1. The logs for any errors. None observed.
2. The PHP Extensions were all checked.
3. Checked the CURL SSL CA-Certificate and SSL operation - fine.
4. Checked OpenSSL CA-Certificate settings in php.ini - fine.
5. Checked phpinfo output - PHP 7.0 installed, all extensions ok, IOCube installed.
6. Blesta Logs checked - no errors.
7. Copied Plesk API PHP example code into Blesta directory and ran on the CLI and in browser. Result was correct interaction with Plesk and a list of api versions outputted.

3. Repeated 1. with Blesta 4.1.1

Point one was repeated step-by-step with a Blesta 4.1.1 zip including PHP 7.0 Hot Fix. It was installed on the same server, installed with the same script, and set-up in the same sequence.

The 'Plesk Service Plan' drop-down was instantly populated - no errors observed. Add Packages was fully configured and saved.

This process was repeated with several alternating installs of 4.1.1 and 4.3.2. The results were always the same. 4.1.1 worked every time. 4.3.2 never updated the service plan drop-down.

4. Tested on a New Server

The above was repeated on another server with exactly the same results. The server was with another supplier but still running Ubuntu 16.04 with PHP 7.0. The same install process was used and the same results observed.

Any one have any ideas of where I'm going wrong with 4.3.2? I haven't seen any mention of changes to the set-up process.

Thanks for your help.



14 answers to this question

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As I see you already saw old threads ...there was few reasons this happened to me...and you can use Mozila or Chrome developer tools ...in mozila go to inspector than switch to network tab and find POST request for module/service/options(or something like that...will se it broken..completed request will be green)and check response...on servers I had this issue...in most case it was error "oh no mysql has gone...." And this was resolved with increased mysql_wait_timeout and/or mysql_allowed_package

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Hi all, 

I had this issue with as well (1 out of 5 Plesk servers, all the same version/config). Never figured it out, but was a good excuse to set up a new one. 

New server worked fine, however this afternoon I noticed that I'm no longer getting a response when trying to select the dropdown... This is odd, because there has been nothing I can think of that would have changed. I had just gotten to a point where I was about ready to deploy and now I'm back to this. Any ideas? Seems to just never get a response?

From dev tools: Response Payload

{"module_options":"\n<div class=\"title_row\"><h3>Module Options<\/h3><\/div>\n<div class=\"pad\">\n    \n    <ul>\n        <li>\n            <label for=\"module_group\">Server Group<\/label>\n<select name=\"module_group\" id=\"module_group\">\n<option value=\"select\">-- Please Select --<\/option>\n<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\">Any<\/option>\n<\/select>\n        <\/li>\n\n                <li class=\"module_row_field\">\n            <label for=\"module_row\">Server<\/label>\n<select name=\"module_row\" id=\"module_row\">\n<option value=\"12\" selected=\"selected\">Plesk<\/option>\n<\/select>\n        <\/li>\n                        <li>\n            <label for=\"plesk_type\">Account Type<\/label>\n<input type=\"radio\" name=\"meta[type]\" value=\"standard\" id=\"plesk_type_standard\" checked=\"checked\" \/>\n<label for=\"plesk_type_standard\" class=\"inline\">Standard<\/label>\n<input type=\"radio\" name=\"meta[type]\" value=\"reseller\" id=\"plesk_type_reseller\" \/>\n<label for=\"plesk_type_reseller\" class=\"inline\">Reseller<\/label>\n        <\/li>\n                <li>\n            <label for=\"plesk_plan\">Plesk Service Plan<\/label>\n<select name=\"meta[plan]\" id=\"plesk_plan\">\n<option value=\"\">-- Please Select --<\/option>\n<\/select>\n        <\/li>\n            <\/ul>\n\n    <script type=\"text\/javascript\">\n        $(document).ready(function() {\n\n            \/\/ Bind tooltips for this content\n            $('#module_group').closest('ul').blestaBindToolTips();\n\n            \/\/ If no group selected hide row listing\n            \n            \/\/ If group changes, determine if row listing should be shown\n            $('#module_group').change(function() {\n                if ($('#module_group').val() != \"\")\n                    $('li.module_row_field').hide();\n                else\n                    $('li.module_row_field').show();\n            })\n        });\n    <\/script>\n    \n\t\t\t<script type=\"text\/javascript\">\n\t\t\t\t$(document).ready(function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t$('input[name=\"meta[type]\"]').change(function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfetchModuleOptions();\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t<\/script>\n\t\t<\/div>\n","module_email_tags":"{module.hostname} {module.ip_address} {module.port} {package.type} {package.plan} {package.reseller_plan} {service.plesk_domain} {service.plesk_username} {service.plesk_password} {service.plesk_webspace_id}"}


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Another thought/note...

I have two packages that I added earlier today without issue. If I try and edit them now, same as above. However, I can add/suspend/cancel/etc. those packages via Blesta just fine. It seems the ONLY thing that not working is being able to select service plan for new packages or when editing existing ones. 

So Blesta/Plesk are communicating fine via API... any ideas?

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Thanks Nelsa and ashevillewebhosting for your replies.

I tried looking at the network tab in dev tools tonight and everything looked fine. All green, no broken connections. This was really frustrating because it was something I hadn't thought about and I got my hopes up that it would be the issue. One of the things that I find strange is that I can reinstall my server with Ubuntu and Blesta 4.1.1, select the Plesk module, and try adding a package and the select plan drop-down will populate immediately - everything works!

I can then do another reinstall with Blesta 4.3.2, select the Plesk module, try adding a package and never see the drop-down populated. I can repeat it, again and again, and the same thing happens.

Something very odd is happening, and I can't figure it out - I think I will have to go back to just using 4.1.1 and forget about ever upgrading! Like you ashevillewebhosting this is now stopping me from moving forward with new releases.

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So Blesta/Plesk are communicating fine via API... any ideas? .........

Ashevillewebhosting, I see the same thing. Although I don't have any packages, if I go into the Plesk Module settings and enter an incorrect password for the Plesk Server and try to add a package. The Module Log shows the output error from the server indicating that the password is wrong, see snippet pasted below. If I correct it, it goes away.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <packet version="">
            <errtext>You have entered incorrect username or password.</errtext>
        </system>    </packet>

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Posted (edited)

So the only thing I could think of that I'd done since it was last working was to migrate a subscription over. This created a new subscription/service plan on the problem server. 

I just removed that account/subscription and service plan from the server and restarted - and now it's working again and allowing me to select service plans...

HostingforPixels - do you have any custom service plans on your Plesk server by chance, or just the standard/default ones?

Edited by ashevillewebhosting
Revising statment
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Definitely something to do with the service plans on Plesk, but not sure what. Initially I thought it had to do with how they were named (I had put a dash in the new one that seemed to break it). I now have 4 listed in Plesk. Blesta shows these plus 'Admin Simple'. 

If I add a new plan, Blesta no longer will populate service plan drop-down. If I remove it, then it works. Surely someone can figure this out!

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Hi Ashevillewebhosting, I have 15 customised Service Plans on all of my Plesk Servers! I think you just stumbled on something interesting but I'm not sure where this leaves us!

I just switched my settings in the Plesk Module to a server that was ready to go, but not urgent, with the 15 Service Plans set-up. I tried adding a package in Blesta and it failed.

I then deleted all 15 Service Plans form the Plesk Server and tried adding a package, and it worked. The Service Plan drop-down listed the 'Admin Simple' default plan!

I then added a new service plan on the Plesk Server and that is now in the drop-down!  

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Yes. I can confirm that. Five Customised Plans added on the Plesk Server kills the drop-down, four works.

I tried the Plesk example API PHP code a couple of nights back and that worked from the Blesta Server. I copied the two PHP files in to the Blesta Directory and ran it from the command line and from the browser and it worked. That was a server with 15 plans. So maybe this is something on the Blesta side!

We need someone with more knowledge to investigate this ...

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Just some quick observations;

1. All of my Plesk Servers, with 15 Service Plans, have been working in a Production environment with Blesta 4.1.1. All 15 Plans + the default 'Admin simple' are displayed in drop-down.
2. I tried copying version 2.4.0 of the Plesk Module in to Blesta 4.3.2, and it experienced the same problem. So problem maybe not with the module itself!

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I've been doing some more testing tonight to understand which versions of Blesta work and when the issue starts manifesting itself.

1. Blesta 4.1.1 - No Issues. Works repeatedly with 15 Plesk Service Plans.
2. Blesta 4.3.0 - No Issues. Works repeatedly with 15 Plesk Service Plans.
3. Blesta 4.3.1 - Fails to populate Service Plan drop-down when Plesk Server has more than 4 Custom Service Plans.
4. Blesta 4.3.2 - Fails to populate Service Plan drop-down when Plesk Server has more than 4 Custom Service Plans.

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Ok, I think we found the cause of this. It has to do with the amount of data Plesk is returning, which exceeds the data limit for logging. We saw this in another module and have implemented a task to automatically split module logging across multiple logs if the data size exceeds what we can store. This is a core change, and I expect this to be in 4.5.

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