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The Offline Payment Gateway "Instructions" currently support Markdown syntax. It just doesn't show you that in the UI because we don't currently have a Markdown editor available.

3 hours ago, Tyson said:

The Offline Payment Gateway "Instructions" currently support Markdown syntax. It just doesn't show you that in the UI because we don't currently have a Markdown editor available. 

i'm not talking about the editor, i'm referring to the displayed text in the payment page . if we enter a html markup, it rendered as a text .


23 hours ago, Tyson said:

I'm not sure I follow. What's the URI to the page you're referring to? Can you include a screenshot?

add HTML contents in the offline gateway editor, from client side, try to pay a invoice, then go until the last step, then you will see the result i'm talking about .


22 hours ago, Paul said:

HTML and Markdown are different. I think Tyson is saying that Markdown is supported, but that's not the same as entering your own HTML. See https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet for more on Markdown syntax.

To be clear the offline payment module should have some tweaks .

1 - Allow Html Tags .

2 - the text entered is shown in the place of the payment button (pull-right), i think is better to add a custom page that will be shown the text entered, or redirect to another page that show this info . as now the payment from client side is so ugly for the client , as no confirmation or the final step is shown , look at this screen



So you want to show the information, and then continue to show the confirmation page? Or continue to pay offline, and then show the confirmation page? I think it doesn't do that, because then it would have to register a transaction.. but maybe it should register a PENDING transaction.. so that as an admin, you know they selected that option and intend to pay. Then when they send payment, you can change the status from PENDING to ACTIVE. Thoughts?

16 hours ago, Paul said:

So you want to show the information, and then continue to show the confirmation page? Or continue to pay offline, and then show the confirmation page?

the second option is more logical .

16 hours ago, Paul said:

I think it doesn't do that, because then it would have to register a transaction.. but maybe it should register a PENDING transaction.. so that as an admin, you know they selected that option and intend to pay. Then when they send payment, you can change the status from PENDING to ACTIVE. Thoughts?

normally it shoudn't register any transaction even if it register as pending . i think if the module return null in success or activate fucntion it wouldn't register a transaction and that is the normal behavior .

another option is to add field for url, so we can put a page url then when the client click pay offline button it redirect them to the page where we add offline payment information and/or a section to select from cms pages if installed could be nice also .


On 6/26/2018 at 6:20 AM, Blesta Addons said:

the second option is more logical .

normally it shoudn't register any transaction even if it register as pending . i think if the module return null in success or activate fucntion it wouldn't register a transaction and that is the normal behavior .

another option is to add field for url, so we can put a page url then when the client click pay offline button it redirect them to the page where we add offline payment information and/or a section to select from cms pages if installed could be nice also .


We would have to look into it, but to have the checkout process work like normal, I think it would have to create a transaction of some type. This could be a good thing, because you know they are intending to pay and didn't just abandon cart. Then when they make payment, you could void the pending payment and record a new payment, or change its status.

Do you see any issues with that?

3 hours ago, Paul said:

Do you see any issues with that?

With Offline Payment Yes, lf a client from client area try to pay with offline payment it would record s transaction, and if he try to pay again a new transaction will be recorded ... so maybe we can arrive with 10 transaction with only a client testing or trying to see info of offline payement .

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