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Cronjob Sends Email - Every 5 Minutes

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I knew (especially as a new installation with very little activity)

I didn't want to set cron job running every 5 minutes.

Now I know (at least) one reason why, I am getting an email every time it runs!


subject:Cron <realger1@slmp-550-13> /usr/bin/php /home2/realger1/public_html/aicv/support/public_html/index.php cron



X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.26Content-type: text/htmlAttempting to run all tasks for My Company.




Because you didn't tell cron not to.


I would append the following the the end to receive only error emails.






This isn't a bug btw, this is the expected results. So it makes sense to set it back to run every 5mins and send the emails to /dev/null (aka black hole)


What he said.


By the way, when reporting bugs, be sure to include relevant data as described in How to Report a Bug so we can better assist and debug issues. This issue is not a bug, however, so I'm going to close this thread.

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