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6 minutes ago, Tyson said:

Can you click on the table row representing the gateway log? There should be more data about that transaction that may tell us why it was an error.

Didn't want to post that since I see no errors there and most of the data is private. Anyway, here it goes:

a:53:{s:7:"sale_id";s:12:"2**********";s:16:"sale_date_placed";s:19:"2019-02-26 00:37:42";s:9:"recurring";s:1:"0";s:12:"payment_type";s:11:"credit card";s:13:"list_currency";s:3:"USD";s:9:"vendor_id";s:9:"2**********";s:15:"vendor_order_id";s:0:"";s:10:"invoice_id";s:12:"2**********";s:10:"item_count";s:1:"1";s:19:"customer_first_name";s:4:"E**********";s:18:"customer_last_name";s:11:"C**********";s:13:"customer_name";s:16:"E********** C**********";s:14:"customer_email";s:15:"e**********@**********.com";s:14:"customer_phone";s:11:"3**********";s:11:"customer_ip";s:11:"89.*.*.*";s:19:"customer_ip_country";s:20:"M**********";s:13:"cust_currency";s:3:"USD";s:9:"bill_city";s:8:"C**********";s:12:"bill_country";s:3:"M**";s:16:"bill_postal_code";s:4:"2***";s:10:"bill_state";s:2:"C*";s:19:"bill_street_address";s:43:"M**********";s:20:"bill_street_address2";s:0:"";s:11:"ship_status";s:0:"";s:20:"ship_tracking_number";s:0:"";s:9:"ship_name";s:16:"C**********";s:19:"ship_street_address";s:43:"M**********";s:20:"ship_street_address2";s:0:"";s:9:"ship_city";s:8:"C**********";s:10:"ship_state";s:2:"C*";s:16:"ship_postal_code";s:4:"2***";s:12:"ship_country";s:3:"M**";s:10:"message_id";s:5:"1****";s:12:"message_type";s:13:"REFUND_ISSUED";s:19:"message_description";s:13:"Refund issued";s:9:"timestamp";s:19:"2019-02-26 15:12:52";s:11:"item_name_1";s:28:"Cart purchase:  1-**********";s:9:"item_id_1";s:12:"1-**********";s:18:"item_list_amount_1";s:4:"5.00";s:17:"item_usd_amount_1";s:4:"*.00";s:18:"item_cust_amount_1";s:4:"*.00";s:11:"item_type_1";s:6:"refund";s:15:"item_duration_1";s:7:"Forever";s:17:"item_recurrence_1";s:0:"";s:22:"item_rec_list_amount_1";s:0:"";s:17:"item_rec_status_1";s:4:"live";s:20:"item_rec_date_next_1";s:0:"";s:25:"item_rec_install_billed_1";s:0:"";s:8:"md5_hash";s:32:"E**********************";s:9:"key_count";s:2:"49";s:4:"demo";N;s:12:"order_number";N;s:5:"total";N;}

Maybe I am missing something.

Thank you.


Output is the information received from the gateway. In your example, 2checkout sent information that appears to be for a refund, not a payment. Was that refund issued from within Blesta?

Do you have any error logs that were for a failed payment transaction?

1 hour ago, Tyson said:

Output is the information received from the gateway. In your example, 2checkout sent information that appears to be for a refund, not a payment. Was that refund issued from within Blesta?

Do you have any error logs that were for a failed payment transaction?

I apologize. I noticed just a bit later the type of transaction. All transactions record the same behaviour:

a:59:{s:7:"sale_id";s:12:"2**********";s:16:"sale_date_placed";s:19:"2019-02-26 04:31:16";s:9:"recurring";s:1:"0";s:12:"payment_type";s:11:"credit card";s:13:"list_currency";s:3:"U*";s:12:"fraud_status";s:4:"pass";s:9:"vendor_id";s:9:"2**********";s:15:"vendor_order_id";s:0:"";s:10:"invoice_id";s:12:"2**********";s:14:"invoice_status";s:9:"deposited";s:19:"invoice_list_amount";s:5:"*.00";s:18:"invoice_usd_amount";s:5:"*.00";s:19:"invoice_cust_amount";s:5:"*.00";s:10:"item_count";s:1:"1";s:8:"auth_exp";s:10:"2019-03-05";s:19:"customer_first_name";s:6:"T**********";s:18:"customer_last_name";s:7:"M**********";s:13:"customer_name";s:14:"T********** M**********";s:14:"customer_email";s:23:"t**********@**********.com";s:14:"customer_phone";s:11:"1**********";s:11:"customer_ip";s:14:"184.*.*.*";s:19:"customer_ip_country";s:24:"U**********";s:13:"cust_currency";s:3:"U*";s:9:"bill_city";s:11:"P**********";s:12:"bill_country";s:3:"U*";s:16:"bill_postal_code";s:5:"9**********";s:10:"bill_state";s:2:"C*";s:19:"bill_street_address";s:21:"4**********";s:20:"bill_street_address2";s:11:"Suite #D503";s:11:"ship_status";s:0:"";s:20:"ship_tracking_number";s:0:"";s:9:"ship_name";s:14:"M**********";s:19:"ship_street_address";s:21:"4**********";s:20:"ship_street_address2";s:11:"S**********";s:9:"ship_city";s:11:"P**********";s:10:"ship_state";s:2:"C*";s:16:"ship_postal_code";s:5:"9**********";s:12:"ship_country";s:3:"U*";s:10:"message_id";s:5:"1**********";s:12:"message_type";s:22:"INVOICE_STATUS_CHANGED";s:19:"message_description";s:22:"Invoice status changed";s:9:"timestamp";s:19:"2019-02-26 11:33:33";s:11:"item_name_1";s:29:"Cart purchase:  2**********";s:9:"item_id_1";s:13:"23-**********";s:18:"item_list_amount_1";s:5:"*.00";s:17:"item_usd_amount_1";s:5:"*.00";s:18:"item_cust_amount_1";s:5:"*.00";s:11:"item_type_1";s:4:"bill";s:15:"item_duration_1";s:7:"Forever";s:17:"item_recurrence_1";s:0:"";s:22:"item_rec_list_amount_1";s:0:"";s:17:"item_rec_status_1";s:4:"live";s:20:"item_rec_date_next_1";s:0:"";s:25:"item_rec_install_billed_1";s:0:"";s:8:"md5_hash";s:32:"D********************";s:9:"key_count";s:2:"55";s:4:"demo";N;s:12:"order_number";N;s:5:"total";N;}


On last test I got something a bit different:



One warning in general-warning log file:

[2019-02-27 22:45:30] general.WARNING: E_WARNING: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() {"code":2,"message":"Invalid argument supplied for foreach()","file":"/srv/p*********.com/http/app/controllers/client_pay.php","line":915}


Just noticed that for one payment through 2checkout blesta records 7 fields. All have errors. The very first field is something like this:



then a couple similar to this one:

a:59:{s:7:"sale_id";s:12:"2**********";s:16:"sale_date_placed";s:19:"2019-02-26 04:31:16";s:9:"recurring";s:1:"0";s:12:"payment_type";s:11:"credit card";s:13:"list_currency";s:3:"U*";s:12:"fraud_status";s:4:"pass";s:9:"vendor_id";s:9:"2**********";s:15:"vendor_order_id";s:0:"";s:10:"invoice_id";s:12:"2**********";s:14:"invoice_status";s:9:"deposited";s:19:"invoice_list_amount";s:5:"*.00";s:18:"invoice_usd_amount";s:5:"*.00";s:19:"invoice_cust_amount";s:5:"*.00";s:10:"item_count";s:1:"1";s:8:"auth_exp";s:10:"2019-03-05";s:19:"customer_first_name";s:6:"T**********";s:18:"customer_last_name";s:7:"M**********";s:13:"customer_name";s:14:"T********** M**********";s:14:"customer_email";s:23:"t**********@**********.com";s:14:"customer_phone";s:11:"1**********";s:11:"customer_ip";s:14:"184.*.*.*";s:19:"customer_ip_country";s:24:"U**********";s:13:"cust_currency";s:3:"U*";s:9:"bill_city";s:11:"P**********";s:12:"bill_country";s:3:"U*";s:16:"bill_postal_code";s:5:"9**********";s:10:"bill_state";s:2:"C*";s:19:"bill_street_address";s:21:"4**********";s:20:"bill_street_address2";s:11:"Suite #D503";s:11:"ship_status";s:0:"";s:20:"ship_tracking_number";s:0:"";s:9:"ship_name";s:14:"M**********";s:19:"ship_street_address";s:21:"4**********";s:20:"ship_street_address2";s:11:"S**********";s:9:"ship_city";s:11:"P**********";s:10:"ship_state";s:2:"C*";s:16:"ship_postal_code";s:5:"9**********";s:12:"ship_country";s:3:"U*";s:10:"message_id";s:5:"1**********";s:12:"message_type";s:22:"INVOICE_STATUS_CHANGED";s:19:"message_description";s:22:"Invoice status changed";s:9:"timestamp";s:19:"2019-02-26 11:33:33";s:11:"item_name_1";s:29:"Cart purchase:  2**********";s:9:"item_id_1";s:13:"23-**********";s:18:"item_list_amount_1";s:5:"*.00";s:17:"item_usd_amount_1";s:5:"*.00";s:18:"item_cust_amount_1";s:5:"*.00";s:11:"item_type_1";s:4:"bill";s:15:"item_duration_1";s:7:"Forever";s:17:"item_recurrence_1";s:0:"";s:22:"item_rec_list_amount_1";s:0:"";s:17:"item_rec_status_1";s:4:"live";s:20:"item_rec_date_next_1";s:0:"";s:25:"item_rec_install_billed_1";s:0:"";s:8:"md5_hash";s:32:"D********************";s:9:"key_count";s:2:"55";s:4:"demo";N;s:12:"order_number";N;s:5:"total";N;}

and last two of these:



Still looking into this, but I just want to note here that the some of the fields being used for validation (i.e. demo, order_number, and total) are expected to be in the POST data.  Instead your logs show them being sent to Blesta as part of the GET data.   In fact it may be that all the data shown as GET parameters in the logs should actually be POST data.  Not sure yet why 2checkout would be doing that.


2checkout has 2.0 version,they also serve old clients on old platform but all new users are on 2.0 which has completly different test url and some other things.I worked to implement inline checkout and I remeber I had to go again through documentation since I got this new account which is basicly CRM and billing system...any way now test url is different on new platform and old way of sending test parameter will not work for new users but will work for users with old account..So,this gateway will work for users with old account,for new platform will be issues since now they have compley new system....so if you had to select package before sign up than it is new platform...before there was only one account level now have 3


20 hours ago, Nelsa said:

2checkout has 2.0 version,they also serve old clients on old platform but all new users are on 2.0 which has completly different test url and some other things.I worked to implement inline checkout and I remeber I had to go again through documentation since I got this new account which is basicly CRM and billing system...any way now test url is different on new platform and old way of sending test parameter will not work for new users but will work for users with old account..So,this gateway will work for users with old account,for new platform will be issues since now they have compley new system....so if you had to select package before sign up than it is new platform...before there was only one account level now have 3


This is correct. I have been migrated to their new platform.

I didn't use the sandbox. Those are results using a live account. We have already been working with 2checkout for a while now but the plugin has never worked fully.

Thank you for your help.


Hi, sorry for the delay.  It sounds like this may be some new 2Checkout API?  I have been looking at existing functionality but it sounds like that may be a new thing altogether.  I hope to have time to investigate that possibility either today or tomorrow.

On 3/7/2019 at 6:38 PM, Jono said:

Hi, sorry for the delay.  It sounds like this may be some new 2Checkout API?  I have been looking at existing functionality but it sounds like that may be a new thing altogether.  I hope to have time to investigate that possibility either today or tomorrow.

Cool. Thank you. Hope to get an update for this plugin soon.


So to confirm, the interface you are working with looks like the first image and not the second?  Just want to make sure I'm testing the right stuff.

secret word.png

secret word2.png

2 hours ago, Jono said:

So to confirm, the interface you are working with looks like the first image and not the second?  Just want to make sure I'm testing the right stuff.

secret word.png



Yes, i am using the one that you showed in first image.


@Lampard Are you having the same issue as @furioussnail, where you can submit a payment in 2checkout, but a successful transaction is not recorded in Blesta?  I ask because I have not been able to even make a payment.  The fields in 2checkout do not seem to line up with the credentials asked for in Blesta.  What mapping are you using?  "Merchant Code" => "Vendor Account Number"?  "INS Secret Word" => "Secret Word"?

Thanks for your help, I think it's becoming more and more clear that we need an update to the gateway that allows you to choose which version of 2checkout you are using.

3 hours ago, Jono said:

@Lampard Are you having the same issue as @furioussnail, where you can submit a payment in 2checkout, but a successful transaction is not recorded in Blesta?  I ask because I have not been able to even make a payment.  The fields in 2checkout do not seem to line up with the credentials asked for in Blesta.  What mapping are you using?  "Merchant Code" => "Vendor Account Number"?  "INS Secret Word" => "Secret Word"?

Thanks for your help, I think it's becoming more and more clear that we need an update to the gateway that allows you to choose which version of 2checkout you are using.

It looks like I am having the same control panel but for payments I am using the old API. And somehow the old API isn't working right. My customers see the old payment form, with the old logo. I think 2checkout/Avangate is set to migrate everyone to their latest API.

Thank you.

4 hours ago, Jono said:

@Lampard Are you having the same issue as @furioussnail, where you can submit a payment in 2checkout, but a successful transaction is not recorded in Blesta?  I ask because I have not been able to even make a payment.  The fields in 2checkout do not seem to line up with the credentials asked for in Blesta.  What mapping are you using?  "Merchant Code" => "Vendor Account Number"?  "INS Secret Word" => "Secret Word"?

Thanks for your help, I think it's becoming more and more clear that we need an update to the gateway that allows you to choose which version of 2checkout you are using.

Right, the transaction is just not recorded in Blesta. 
Merchant code is Vendor Account Number, correct.
But i used Secret Key instead of a Secret Word so could this be a problem? I will let you know after any transaction.


@Lampard Haha no I was actually asking because I could not even get the payment page to successfully load, so I wanted to see what you were doing right X)  I'm currently creating a task to support the new API though and I'll link to the task here when it is created.

11 minutes ago, Jono said:

@Lampard Haha no I was actually asking because I could not even get the payment page to successfully load, so I wanted to see what you were doing right X)  I'm currently creating a task to support the new API though and I'll link to the task here when it is created.

Ye, thanks. I hope it is done as soon as possible so everyday we have to record transactions manually :(

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