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Multi-Company Support Tickets.

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Describe the issue you're experiencing:
When a ticket is opened, it displays it on both companies however it's not recorded on both companies [one shows open (0) and the other shows open (1)].
Provide detailed steps necessary to reproduce the issue.
Just open a ticket in the client area. The same when they are being piped from emails. However I only get a ticket email to alert me from the company it was sent to.
The piping files are separate with their own company number.


I thought maybe it was because chrome updated and the tabs open for each company was the issue, however I logged out of both cubicwebs and licensecart ones, and re-logged into the licensecart admin and then bam I was seeing the cubicwebs ticket I just opened as a test.
List any generated errors. (The "Oh Noes" error pages are very helpful.)
Include the URL the error occurred on, relative to the installation path, ie "/admin/login".
 Both support tickets management areas.
Attach screenshots.
 Video: http://screencast.com/t/q0B1OGpR


Include your configuration settings, i.e. OS, version of Blesta, PHP & MySQL.


OS: Cloudlinux 6


Blesta: 3.0.3


PHP: 5.4.19


MySQL: 5.1.70-cll



PS: I was thinking maybe it was the update to the file we had and I just never checked the tickets on the other company before so I didn't spot it showing up. Weird. Paul has a login account to my installation anyway so if you wish to test it, feel free.


Interesting, does this only occur for non-clients opening tickets? Can anyone else reproduce?

I'm not seeing this is our environment, but only clients can open tickets.


Interesting, does this only occur for non-clients opening tickets? Can anyone else reproduce?

I'm not seeing this is our environment, but only clients can open tickets.


Clients (Email & Direct)  / non clients (Email & Direct) It's weird haha.


Clients (Email & Direct)  / non clients (Email & Direct) It's weird haha.


What happens if you log out entirely, and log in directly to that other company? Does the ticket still appear?


Can anyone else reproduce this?


What happens if you log out entirely, and log in directly to that other company? Does the ticket still appear?


Can anyone else reproduce this?


It did mate, but I think it was a one off thing. not 100% sure.


It did mate, but I think it was a one off thing. not 100% sure.


Not happening anymore?


I remember before you said you had 2 windows open logged into each company watching the ticket queues and it worked great. For me, it looks like the other company but it loads the ticket queue for the last company you switch to. This can give the appearance that it's the ticket queue for company A, but it's actually the ticket queue for company B.

Make sense? I just wonder if that's what's happening here.


Not happening anymore?


I remember before you said you had 2 windows open logged into each company watching the ticket queues and it worked great. For me, it looks like the other company but it loads the ticket queue for the last company you switch to. This can give the appearance that it's the ticket queue for company A, but it's actually the ticket queue for company B.

Make sense? I just wonder if that's what's happening here.


Just tried it now for you mate... I've recorded it. I logged out of both and then logged in CubicWebs.



  • 3 months later...

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