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How would you add an info box below the Hostname title in the checkout form, when renting a new package,
I'd like to put an info box that informs new clients that they can contact us to have an account created if they don't have their own domain name.

I see the text in components/modules/centovacast/language/en_us/centovacast.php

I can change the title text for Hostname to something else but it changed the text in the field also.

Or how do other hosts handle this if someone doesn't have a domain of their own?




Duplicate post, im on mobile but you should be able to edit getClientAddFields() in the module to add what you want or remove the validateHostName and allow them to enter any input without domain validation (eg. BobCast)


Not sure how to add this, there will be occasions where clients have their own domain when signing up, and others won't.
If I remove the Validate Hostname, will this info be used as their username for the account or what? whatever they enter. 
There has to be some kind of info box there to explain to some users what they can do if they don't have a domain name.

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