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Changed Language Key, Not Updated On Site



I manualy edited a language key's text for the domain ordering checker on line 1361 in en-us.php under /language.


I overwrote the file on the server with the updated one, cleared the cache (I am using Cloudflare until next week which is actually Paused right now). 


I am using the namecheap module as eNom isn't present anymore.  (I prefer Namecheap anyway), but am in Sandbox mode for testing.


When querying a domain name which I have verified as being available, it returns it is not available.  This is where I placed a changed text to call my company as right now, I don't have enough funds to run a full API with Namecheap (yet). 


Anyway, when forcing this check the text still shows up as the old text of "Sorry, that domain is not available.".  When it should be my new text.


I have tried in several browsers to make sure nothing is cached, including "Epic browser" which doesn't cache anything (think perma-incognito mode). 


Is there a different place to edit the language that I am not seeing or is there a solution to this?  



2 answers to this question

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You shouldn't have to uninstall any modules after making language changes. The language changes should appear right away unless the section is being cached. You can clear the cache in the /cache/ directory by deleting all files.

If you still don't see the change take effect you might be editing the wrong file.

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