medfordite Posted September 20, 2013 Report Posted September 20, 2013 What is going on that people are all of a sudden wanting to sell their unbranded licenses? It seems out of the ordinary to see such an increase of something that people are happy with to want to get rid of said license. Curiosity kills the cat I know, but I am pretending to be Simon to bring him back! Amyamoxylea 1
Paul Posted September 20, 2013 Report Posted September 20, 2013 Some people bought with the intention of flipping them after the price went up. Some people bought more than 1 license when it was on sale and are getting rid of extras. They'll dry up pretty soon. Michael and Ken 2
Alex Posted September 21, 2013 Report Posted September 21, 2013 Some people bought with the intention of flipping them after the price went up. Some people bought more than 1 license when it was on sale and are getting rid of extras. They'll dry up pretty soon. I made a post with my take on things over in a different thread: Will just quote it here since it entirely applies: I probably wouldn't be a Blesta customer if it weren't for that promo, and I've since purchased Add-On company licenses, totaling me at well over what the full-price ($210, right?) license would cost me today. I've also purchased the ModuleGarden cPanel module for Blesta, which I assume helps to further grow the 3rd-party community around Blesta. Despite Blesta's current shortcomings or immaturity, we are making it work for several of our businesses. So, I must say that I'm a proponent of the $99 sale which happened, because for me it lowered the barrier of entry enough to justify giving something new a try. I struggle to see the excessive "flipping" which most everyone here seems to be convinced of. I'm sure a case or two exist, but in general I have seen a lot of people selling a single license with minimal margins over $99. If I were in their shoes, I wouldn't sell my copy for $99 either, I'd try to recoup a few extra bucks too! It seems to me that if people were serious about flipping licenses in such a manner that they would have purchased many licenses and be selling them en masse. Most of what I'm seeing is one guy with one license and a business which could have used Blesta. The evidence of my take on it goes further, though: If Blesta were already in high-demand then we wouldn't be seeing so many licenses sit unsold, and these $99 buyers would be running out of licenses quickly. But, what we're seeing is a lot of people willing to undercut the Blesta direct price by ~$50 and still not selling the license. I bet if Paul published the Blesta sales over time we would see that licenses were selling dramatically faster during Beta at the $99 rate than they are now. I myself could justify dropping $99 without knowing much about what I'm getting, just for the off-chance that it gets me away from WHMCS. Like many others who felt the same way, I ended up with a Blesta license long before I ever used the software. I personally know several people whom purchased during that $99 period and who can't yet make Blesta work for them so they are just sitting on the license and keeping an eye on Blesta's progress. It's no surprise to me that others whom purchased at $99 and Blesta didn't work for them are selling their licenses now. It's also no surprise to me that these licenses are sitting unsold, as I think the hosting community (at least) has more awareness about the state of Blesta than it did during the Beta. Any license "flippers" who purchased a lot of licenses with intent of resale only provided Blesta with more income during Beta. How is this any different than a reseller, really? They paid consumer rates for bulk at the time, betting on Blesta to become popular. It's almost like we should appreciate these guys, not belittle them. Now these guys are serving as Blesta salespeople out posting on forums, which can only help expand the active community. If solid demand for Blesta existed, their $99 licenses would be history by now. From my perspective, we have a whole lot of license holders and potential customers waiting to see Blesta progress before they make any decisions. I suspect as we see 3.1, 3.2, more modules, etc. come to light, and the current 30% direct discount ends, these licenses will begin to dry up. I say this because buyers on the fence will feel more comfortable, and because less people will be inclined to sell their license.
Gualter Posted September 23, 2013 Report Posted September 23, 2013 Simple, I sold my license because is not useful for us. Blesta is very poor compared to the competition. Each released version appears more and more bugs. This is not good for those who have a business market, is something amateur. Thank you.
Michael Posted September 23, 2013 Report Posted September 23, 2013 Simple, I sold my license because is not useful for us. Blesta is very poor compared to the competition. Each released version appears more and more bugs. This is not good for those who have a business market, is something amateur. Thank you. Huh? More bugs in every release?
Paul Posted September 23, 2013 Report Posted September 23, 2013 Haha. There are not more and more bugs every release, these are bug patches that's the whole point. After a major, complete-rewrite release, this is absolutely expected. Honestly I'm surprised there have not been more. Should we not do bug patches? Michael 1
silvatech Posted September 23, 2013 Report Posted September 23, 2013 Simple, I sold my license because is not useful for us. Blesta is very poor compared to the competition. Each released version appears more and more bugs. This is not good for those who have a business market, is something amateur. Thank you. Normally, I dont ever comment on someones thoughts, but saying blesta releases have been more and more bugs um. Clearly you have not been keeping up with he releases at all. Michael 1
Gualter Posted September 23, 2013 Report Posted September 23, 2013 :-) Version 3.0.0 is now available ## Version 3.0.0 2013-08-14 ### Bug * [CORE-289] - Potential issue with cron applying credits * [CORE-454] - Creating client does not evaluate all custom fields * [CORE-456] - Calendar redirect dates are incorrect * [CORE-584] - Update delete actions to require POST * [CORE-618] - Interworx: Cannot update a service's options without using the module * [CORE-620] - Client payment confirmation page may generate an "Attempt to modify property of non-object" error * [CORE-625] - Invoice service coverage dates don't appear for newly activated services * [CORE-626] - Update install/uninstall extensions to use POST instead of GET * [CORE-629] - Cron may fail to apply credits that would close invoices due to a float precision error * [CORE-630] - Module: Universal Module Undefined property package_rules * [CORE-631] - System Status Plugin: Update order URL when using a trial * [CORE-633] - Malformed invoice link when editing a transaction * [CORE-634] - Incorrect applied amount displayed when editing a transaction * [CORE-636] - Tax Liability Report displays twice the level 1 tax amount and no level 2 tax rate if level 2 tax rates apply * [CORE-637] - Unable to view invoice for transaction applied amounts when editing a transaction * [CORE-638] - When adding a service, the Send order confirmation email checkbox is not selected * [CORE-640] - Order Plugin: Visiting /order produces an error if the order plugin is not installed * [CORE-641] - Setting tax to inclusive vs exclusive has no effect * [CORE-642] - Cron fails to run time based tasks as scheduled if no run history * [CORE-643] - Visiting client interface when logged in as admin may cause redirect loop * [CORE-645] - A client's default language is not used * [CORE-646] - Support Manager: Typo in language definition "Awaiting Reply" * [CORE-648] - Uninvoiced pending services fail to be activated * [CORE-649] - cPanel: Undefined property: stdClass::$cpanel_confirm_password may occur when editing a service * [CORE-651] - Editing tax rule affects previously created invoices * [CORE-653] - CMS/Portal plugin: The index page may use an incorrect URL to the Order page when installed under a subdirectory * [CORE-654] - Order Plugin: Coupon error message does not fit within its Cart container element * [CORE-656] - Missing language definitions do not fallback to the default language ### Improvement * [CORE-481] - Service search should include service meta fields ### New Feature * [CORE-106] - Billing Reports * [CORE-389] - Add the ability for addons to be added to existing parent services * [CORE-603] - Add legacy reseller API support ### Task * [CORE-644] - Add information box above Internationalization setting for translations --- Version 3.0.1 is now available ## Version 3.0.1 2013-08-21 ### Bug * [CORE-658] - The State field is not set correctly when selecting to copy information from an existing contact * [CORE-659] - Calendar delete event action not using POST * [CORE-660] - Modules delete action not using POST * [CORE-661] - Managing service produces undefined property $PackageGroups * [CORE-662] - PayPal Payments Standard: Error message "The form token is invalid" is displayed when a client returns to Blesta from processing payment * [CORE-663] - Download Plugin: Changing permissions to publicly available reverts to must be logged in * [CORE-664] - Legacy nonmerchant gateway subscription incompatibility * [CORE-665] - Setting/unsetting encryption key affects private_key for all companies in system * [CORE-667] - Username error occurs when attempting to set a client's username back to their email address * [CORE-668] - PayPal Payments Standard: Payment validation field, "business", may not always be included in the gateway response, causing the transaction to remain pending * [CORE-669] - cPanel Module: Can't add a server when using a reseller user, only root * [CORE-671] - Themes do not save the change back to the default theme * [CORE-672] - Editing an addon service whose package is unlimited complains of quantity available * [CORE-678] - Available service add-ons display all standard package group packages if there are no addon packages * [CORE-679] - Import Manager: Imports all module accounts with the same module row * [CORE-680] - Enabling GeoIP causes error due to missing mbstring extension * [CORE-681] - Invoice padding settings displayed but not supported * [CORE-682] - Check if installed by verifying Blesta.database_info config is set * [CORE-683] - Missing template parse check when editing email templates * [CORE-684] - Invalid tags result in blank email * [CORE-685] - Support Plugin: Adding a staff note counts the staff member as the last replier * [CORE-687] - Listing gateways may attempt to load files that being with '.' * [CORE-689] - Incorrect date format on invoices created from adding a service * [CORE-691] - Order Plugin: Invalid custom field ID error * [CORE-693] - Editing contact Country/State fails to update view after saving --- Version 3.0.2 is now available ( nice fewer bugs, everything is right ) ## Version 3.0.2 2013-09-03 ### Bug * [CORE-622] - Plesk: Add login link to automatically login to the Plesk account * [CORE-692] - Missing payment confirmation page when a client pays through a non-merchant gateway without authenticating * [CORE-694] - Undefined index if reset password string fails to decrypt * [CORE-696] - Exclusive coupons are not limited to applying to their assigned packages * [CORE-698] - The payment_url tag in email templates does not include the path that Blesta is installed under * [CORE-699] - The client_url tag in email templates does not include the path that Blesta is installed under * [CORE-704] - "Return to Portal" link appears when portal is not installed * [CORE-707] - Edit invoice does not convert line item to textarea after hitting enter * [CORE-709] - Cannot checkout with an order of $0 in the cart * [CORE-713] - Automatic provisioning of pending services fails to call addService() on the module * [CORE-714] - Universal Module: Configure label shows a numerical ID instead of the product name during checkout * [CORE-715] - Order Plugin: Inactive and Restricted packages appear normally on order pages * [CORE-716] - CLI execution can not properly determine installed URI * [CORE-719] - Redirect loop when clients try to add payment accounts * [CORE-722] - Order: "Allow Coupons" option does not prevent coupons from being accepted on order form --- Version 3.0.3 is now available ( hoo now, more bugs ) ## Version 3.0.3 2013-09-18 ### Bug * [CORE-206] - All plugin controllers require authentication checks * [CORE-532] - Logicboxes: Cannot add service from admin interface due to error "required Parameter Missing: Customer-Id" * [CORE-555] - PayPal Payflow Pro gateway error: Please enter a valid alphanumeric password * [CORE-632] - Cron: Manually suspended services automatically unsuspend * [CORE-635] - When the cron applies credits to multiple invoices, it may record zero as the amount for the last invoice * [CORE-657] - MyInfo shows Two Factor Authentication fields when "None" is selected * [CORE-686] - Interworx: Invalid credentials produces SOAP parse error * [CORE-688] - Importer: Company Tax ID/VATIN is set for clients when importing v2.5 to v3.0 * [CORE-711] - Plugin email templates missing multiple languages if installed after languages are installed * [CORE-712] - Support Plugin: Using a password with special characters does not work * [CORE-720] - Invoices sometimes remain open when paid due to 4 decimal precision rounding * [CORE-724] - Support Manager {update_ticket_url} tag is not set when email is sent via cron * [CORE-726] - Support Manager: Remove inherited background gradient set on H2 tags in replies * [CORE-727] - Service Suspended template parse error * [CORE-730] - Order Plugin: Successfully redeeming a coupon on the order form does not display a success message * [CORE-733] - Cross company package access violation * [CORE-735] - Undefined offset 1 in client_pay controller * [CORE-738] - Service Suspension email template is never used * [CORE-739] - Invoice delivery log is not limited to the current company * [CORE-740] - Email delivery log is not limited to the current company * [CORE-744] - Tax not applied for states with ISO 3166-2 alpha-numeric subdivision code with 3 characters * [CORE-746] - Order System: Client Registration template displays sign up form again after successful registration * [CORE-748] - Universal Module: Service fields are blank on edit * [CORE-752] - Email templates do not fallback to en_us if the template is not available in the requested language * [CORE-761] - Invoice line items display incorrect service term dates * [CORE-764] - Default Invoice template may incorrectly generate an additional PDF page * [CORE-765] - Universal Module: Input data are not validated against the rules * [CORE-766] - Support Manager: h1, ... h6 tags in ticket responses are styled incorrectly * [CORE-767] - System Requirements: Update to MySQL 5.0.17 * [CORE-769] - Addon Packages set to inactive appear as Available Addons --- Version 3.0.4 is now available ( hoo no, We cant get out of it) The facts show the reality, is a waste of time.
Paul Posted September 23, 2013 Report Posted September 23, 2013 More bugs were found, these are not new bugs. The fact remains that every bug patch makes Blesta more and more stable. It's a good thing these are being discovered and we are quick to fix them. Most of the bugs are pretty minor. Don't pretend that you sold your license because of bugs, you already said you sold it because Blesta doesn't do what you need it to do yet -- you want better support for dedicated servers. That's completely reasonable. Complaining about bug patches containing bugs is pretty silly. Michael 1
Michael Posted September 23, 2013 Report Posted September 23, 2013 More bugs were found, these are not new bugs. The fact remains that every bug patch makes Blesta more and more stable. It's a good thing these are being discovered and we are quick to fix them. Most of the bugs are pretty minor. Don't pretend that you sold your license because of bugs, you already said you sold it because Blesta doesn't do what you need it to do yet -- you want better support for dedicated servers. That's completely reasonable. Complaining about bug patches containing bugs is pretty silly. I completely agree mate, at the end of the day, I could write a massive list of other billing systems and if you look at how long they took to fix and then look at you guys, it will show how good Blesta devs are.
Paul Posted September 23, 2013 Report Posted September 23, 2013 :-) No problem, just my opinion. Of course, no worries. We can still be friends, and I have a feeling you'll be back in the future.
Tyson Posted September 23, 2013 Report Posted September 23, 2013 Simple, I sold my license because is not useful for us. Blesta is very poor compared to the competition. Each released version appears more and more bugs. This is not good for those who have a business market, is something amateur. Thank you. I think you're under the illusion that a long list of bug fixes somehow equates to a lack of quality, however, I would infer that the opposite is true in most cases. As anyone who writes software will tell you, removing all bugs is next to impossible for almost all applications of any non-trivial size, and especially those used in different environments. I think it's a good thing to show each bug fix we implement for various reasons. If every customer ran away when they saw a list of bug fixes for a piece of software, it'd be easy for the vendor to simply not show a list of bug fixes and pretend they didn't exist in order to keep customers. Michael 1
Michael Posted September 23, 2013 Report Posted September 23, 2013 I think you're under the illusion that a long list of bug fixes somehow equates to a lack of quality, however, I would infer that the opposite is true in most cases. As anyone who writes software will tell you, removing all bugs is next to impossible for almost all applications of any non-trivial size, and especially those used in different environments. I think it's a good thing to show each bug fix we implement for various reasons. If every customer ran away when they saw a list of bug fixes for a piece of software, it'd be easy for the vendor to simply not show a list of bug fixes and pretend they didn't exist in order to keep customers. *cough* WH***
Ken Posted September 23, 2013 Report Posted September 23, 2013 Gaulter... this again? Don't you use Hostbill? If so that pretty much sums up the value of your opinions here. Michael 1
BadBadMan Posted September 24, 2013 Report Posted September 24, 2013 :-) Version 3.0.0 is now available Version 3.0.1 is now available Version 3.0.2 is now available ( nice fewer bugs, everything is right ) Version 3.0.3 is now available ( hoo now, more bugs ) Version 3.0.4 is now available ( hoo no, We cant get out of it) The facts show the reality, is a waste of time. Literally LOLed.
Alex Posted September 24, 2013 Report Posted September 24, 2013 :-) Version 3.0.0 is now available Version 3.0.1 is now available Version 3.0.2 is now available ( nice fewer bugs, everything is right ) Version 3.0.3 is now available ( hoo now, more bugs ) Version 3.0.4 is now available ( hoo no, We cant get out of it) The facts show the reality, is a waste of time. Literally LOLed. This really is an extremely naive perspective. Many of these bugs were observed well in advance but weren't fixed until a few releases down the line. Regardless, there is no evidence that any of the bugs fixed since the release of v3 were the result of a previous 3.0.x release, and I personally don't believe that to be the case. Beside the fact that such a thing would be unheard of, I think the Blesta team is comprised of solid developers. In fact, this is only evidence that the pace of development is increasing since the release of v3, which is a great sign. I actually think the team could do better, and if Cody/Tyson worked for me they would be getting pushed harder than I perceive them to be, but I think they are on a great path which far exceeds the competition. Like Paul, I too think you may come to reconsider your position in the not-so-distant future. Michael 1
Paul Posted September 24, 2013 Report Posted September 24, 2013 I think enough has been said on this, closing this thread. Michael 1
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