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Upgrading 4.1.2 to 4.2?


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1 hour ago, MineHarvest66 said:

Hello, I just saw that 4.2 just came out. I am just looking to know if I need to overwrite everything? Or could I overwrite everything except the few files that I changed for my own changes? 


This is why its not suggested to change core files. I would backup your files, replace and reapply any changes necessary or replace around them and hope they had no changes to them or it could cause issues.

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6 minutes ago, gosuhost said:

This is why its not suggested to change core files. I would backup your files, replace and reapply any changes necessary or replace around them and hope they had no changes to them or it could cause issues.

Well if Blesta could improve their WHM password detection then that wouldn't be really a problem. Because as it stands WHM passwords are often too weak to pass password policies. That why the core had to be adjusted on my end. 

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1) - If we update to 4.20 will we have to be on PHP 7.1 ?

Or can we stay on PHP 7.0 ?


2) - @gosuhost

Will the " Support Manager Pro " plugin still work on PHP 7.1 ?


3) - @Paul

Any mods we made on version 4.10 were only aesthetic ones ( either image or text changes ). And there were alot.

Can you please let us know what the main file(s) are that need to be overwritten if we upgrade to 4.20, so that our many other aesthetic changes do not get overwritten ?


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You can use PHP 7 or 7.1 with 4.2.0. There is a folder for the 7 and 7.1 Hotfix and you need to apply one or the other.

This was a big release so there isn't a patch version. You'll want to use a program like Diff Merge (on a Mac) or something similar on the Windows side to figure out what changes you made and get them merged into 4.2

Someone else probably has alternate ways to do this and hopefully they will chime in @BlestaStore

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8 hours ago, turner2f said:

Can you please let us know what the main file(s) are that need to be overwritten if we upgrade to 4.20, so that our many other aesthetic changes do not get overwritten ?

There are a LOT of files changed since this was a major release. Personally I think you're better off documenting the changes you have made and then you can apply them to each upgrade in the future.

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We have already documented all of our changes using DreamWeaver.

It will just take a long time to filter through each one, but that's ok.

Just did not want to spend 5 hours sifting through all the files only to find out it was only 2 or 3 files that were changed in 4.2


See our post at...



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29 minutes ago, turner2f said:

We have already documented all of our changes using DreamWeaver.

It will just take a long time to filter through each one, but that's ok.

Just did not want to spend 5 hours sifting through all the files only to find out it was only 2 or 3 files that were changed in 4.2


See our post at...



If you write down the files you changed and the line numbers, you can manually apply your changes to each release in less than 5 hours. Our install has a lot of changes too and it takes us less than an hour by having the files and line numbers documented. There are many ways to do this and it's just a matter of figuring out what works best for your case.

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If I were you I would maintain a custom copy of your updated source files following the same directory structure as Blesta and compare/merge them with Blesta's source using one of the many diff/merge tools out there available for this purpose, e.g. WinMerge, CodeCompare, Beyond Compare, Araxis, etc. You should be able to go through each of your custom changes quickly. Unless you are making large or dramatic changes to Blesta's source, or are unaware of the source logic or impact from changes you are merging this should take you minutes, not hours.

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Thanks for the replies.

But I am just curious...

Do any of the tools mentioned within the last three replies do " Site-wide " searches for the many areas we have " tagged " with our aesthetic changes ?


Basically, the only thing we would simply need to know was a list of the changed ( ie - updated version ) files within a changelog.

That's it.

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I'm not sure what you mean by tagged aesthetic changes or site-wide searches. The tools look for differences in the comparison of 2 or more files on the file system and allows you to merge and edit the files.

The process would normally go something like this:

  1. Open the diff/merge application on your computer
  2. Use the diff/merge application to load all files from a directory where you have your custom file changes stored
    1. You should store each of the files you have updated in the same directory structure as Blesta for simplicity and easy comparison. For example, if you updated the admin_billing template file, you should store that file in its full directory path: /blesta/app/views/admin/default/admin_billing.pdt
  3. Use the diff/merge application to load the Blesta source files from the /blesta/ directory from the zip you downloaded
  4. The diff/merge application will then compare each of your custom files with those from Blesta, listing files that differ
  5. You can go through each of the files that differ and resolve any differences between them manually (i.e. merge your custom file changes into the Blesta source files before you upload them to your server)
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That's why we use DreamWeaver  ( for instant site-wide keyword searches for our tags where CSS or text changes were made ).

Love DW or hate it .

Some do, some don't.   :blesta:


Just need to know...

Will there be changelogs that would have  a list  of exactly what files were changed in future Blesta updates ?

Just a list of the files.

This way we could focus on just looking for changes in those files alone.

And  RE-insert  any of our aesthetic ( text,  graphic or CSS ) changes back into those files if necessary.

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We'll consider publishing a list of changed files. I've seen others publish a list of changed template files, as they are commonly updated. You could easily make your own list by using one of the recommended programs and comparing your version with the new version. I think that's better than just a list because you can see exactly what changed between the files as well and smart merge changes into templates that also changed.

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You can search for keywords across an entire project (or directory) in almost any advanced editor/IDE. It's a moot point, though, when merging your custom changes with Blesta source files since any results in the diff/merge application are files that must be reviewed. All identical files are ignored and won't appear in the list, so that would already save you the time of having to look at a specific list of files.

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