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Need To Remove Tax Id Number From Registration



I'm trying to locate where I can remove (or hide) the TAX ID number from Registration/Order. Many of my clients are individuals (not companies) and they do not feel comfortable putting that info in on sign-up.


I want to leave the option for the client or admin to add it to account details, just not when ordering or on registration.


Can you guys tell me what page and line I should be looking for to comment it out? Thanks.

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Core-547 should help deal with this by allowing to hide/require certain fields, but in the mean time...this should work for you.


In /plugins/order/views/templates/standard/types/registration/signup.pdt



                        <div class="row panel-fix">
<div class="col-md-12">
<h4><?php $this->_("Signup.index.heading_billing");?></h4>
<div class="form-group">
$this->Form->label($this->_("Signup.index.field_taxid", true), "tax_id");
$this->Form->fieldText("tax_id", $this->Html->ifSet($vars->tax_id), array('id' => "tax_id", 'class' => "form-control", 'placeholder' => $this->_("Signup.index.field_taxid", true)));

Replace with:

<!-- <hr>
                        <div class="row panel-fix">
<div class="col-md-12">
<h4><?php $this->_("Signup.index.heading_billing");?></h4>
<div class="form-group">
$this->Form->label($this->_("Signup.index.field_taxid", true), "tax_id");
$this->Form->fieldText("tax_id", $this->Html->ifSet($vars->tax_id), array('id' => "tax_id", 'class' => "form-control", 'placeholder' => $this->_("Signup.index.field_taxid", true)));
</div> -->
$this->Form->fieldHidden("tax_id", $this->Html->ifSet($vars->tax_id), array('id' => "tax_id", 'class' => "form-control", 'placeholder' => $this->_("Signup.index.field_taxid", true)));
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Plugins -> Order -> Views -> Templates -> main_signup.pdt


Line 223 



<div class="heading options">
<h5><?php $this->_("Main.signup.heading_billing");?></h5>
<div class="pad content">
    <ul class="no_border">
            $this->Form->label($this->_("Main.signup.field_taxid", true), "tax_id");
            $this->Form->fieldText("tax_id", $this->Html->ifSet($vars->tax_id), array('id' => "tax_id"));


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hmm, I've never actually used the extra client fields, I sort of just assumed they would automatically be added like they are to the order form.  I'll have to dig into that a little more a little later unless someone else can come along that already knows the answer :).

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hmm, I've never actually used the extra client fields, I sort of just assumed they would automatically be added like they are to the order form.  I'll have to dig into that a little more a little later unless someone else can come along that already knows the answer :).


Yeah, I would have thought so as well, but I'm not seeing it inside the Admin (client info pages). Thanks for looking into it.

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Yeah, I would have thought so as well, but I'm not seeing it inside the Admin (client info pages). Thanks for looking into it.


It is on the change page on the customer / admin side. it's not visible like the client number however.

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It is on the change page on the customer / admin side. it's not visible like the client number however.


Yes, I see it on the "edit" page when I log in as the client. Thanks.


I will need to try and bring it to the dashboard of each (client and admin) somehow too.


What's odd though, is that even though I removed the Tax Id from the signup form, it shows in the account edit area (which is ok for adding later).


BUT, it's showing an actual number in it. ?? How could it show a number if I didn't have a way to put one in on signup?  :)

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Yes, I see it on the "edit" page when I log in as the client. Thanks.


I will need to try and bring it to the dashboard of each (client and admin) somehow too.


What's odd though, is that even though I removed the Tax Id from the signup form, it shows in the account edit area (which is ok for adding later).


BUT, it's showing an actual number in it. ?? How could it show a number if I didn't have a way to put one in on signup?   :)


They should see it if they enter it on registration.

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The Custom Fields (for Resellers/Affiliates) is working fine (except that I need to display the reseller number on the dashboard of the admin and client areas.


The Tax Id number that I removed from the Signup, is what is acting a little strange.


I am on Installed Version 3.2.0

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ok, I updated my original 


The Custom Fields (for Resellers/Affiliates) is working fine (except that I need to display the reseller number on the dashboard of the admin and client areas.


The Tax Id number that I removed from the Signup, is what is acting a little strange.


I am on Installed Version 3.2.0


I edited my first post to fix the Tax Id.  Instead of completely removing it, I just hid the field (and left the original code commented for ease of changing it back later)

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The yellow highlighting of the fields usually means your browser is auto-completing the form, doesn't it?


Good point Paul. Yes, typically, but usually a yellow auto-fill will find the appropriate fields to post to. However,  "admin" would probably not be a typical TAXID entry.


Let me try a different browser and log into the users account to be sure of what they are seeing as the TAXID area.

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ok, I updated my original 



I edited my first post to fix the Tax Id.  Instead of completely removing it, I just hid the field (and left the original code commented for ease of changing it back later)


Ok thanks. I think thats what I did is just comment it out.

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Ok thanks. I think thats what I did is just comment it out.


yeah, that's what I originally did when I told you how to do it.  But that change was just adding the field back in after the commented area to simply hide the field rather than completely remove it.

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yeah, that's what I originally did when I told you how to do it.  But that change was just adding the field back in after the commented area to simply hide the field rather than completely remove it.


Right, I see now. I changed it to reflect your new version. Thanks so much for your help.

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Thanks for this! I was also able to remove "registering with a user name" thereby forcing the user name to be the email address.

To the OP: This modification also has to be done on the ordering templates. This workaround only applies to the registration form, not to when they are registering during the purchase. In my case I had to make this mod on 3 seperate template files.

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