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Hi there,

I'm currently running a test with Blesta and have imported my WHMCS 7.1 data successfully, however I have a few queries regarding certain issues.

  1. I use tokenized Stripe - all of my current Credit/Debit card customers are marked as 'Credit' so the income is not reflected on reports. In addition to this, none of the recurring agreements have pulled through; it says that the person has 'Auto Debit' enabled, but with a strike through as there is no agreement behind it.
    1. Am I able to pull these agreements through? Along with PayPal recurring agreements.
    2. Do I need to set up the Stripe payment gateway prior to importing for this?
    3. Am I able to mass change all Stripe transactions to show as 'income'?
  2. As I heavily use both Multicraft and TCAdmin, am I able to pull these through so the Billing ID matches the TCAdmin side, and so SSO works from within the Blesta Client area?
    1. Problem 1: I've installed the TCAdmin Plugin and set up my master server to it - there is no 'test connection' option.
    2. Problem 2: I'm unable to change my pre-existing Game packages from the 'Universal Module' to 'TCAdmin' as there are already services assigned to the package.
    3. Am I able to set CPU priority as a configurable option, as I was with a script for WHMCS? It seems like this option is hard-coded into the Module options for each package
    4. What is 'Supported TCAdmin servers'? I've added my Master, which then chooses which remote server to push the client's game server onto - this option is blank.
    5. Where do I put the GameID, where the PHP config file is (which allows us to have custom variables pushed through) among other things.
    6. TCAdmin users numbers to determine which location to place a server, in WHMCS we would use Number|Name, such as 1|Miami, United States - this would show publicly as 'Miami, United States' but would push 1 through to TCAdmin to determine the location. How do I do this in Blesta? All of the imports just show '1|Miami, United States' publicly. Is there any documentation surrounding TCAdmin in Blesta?
  3. I have locations as a configurable option of a 'package' - I changed the pricing of one of my locations, and now when I try to put it back in the Member Group, it doesn't work - when I go back to try again, it's no longer in a member group.

I will probably come across many more issues as I go on, but I feel like I must configure the Multicraft/TCAdmin/PayPal/Stripe etc plugins and modules before the import (even though the import instructions state to do so on a fresh install) or the agreements don't link up to the relevant modules.

Essentially, I'm looking to minimize downtime across the migration rather than having to import the data first and then set everything up after, whilst maintaining all payment agreements and module automation.

In addition, is there any client area we can access without being a paying customer, to get direct support relating to this before a move over, rather than asking in a public forum?

Tagging @Paul

Many Thanks.


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