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I've added hosting service using cpanel module. Now, I've installed cpanel extended module & tried to change module for packages but failed. I've change whm api key, password & cancelled client service.

Than I created same package & service using cpanel extended module instead of cpanel. Now, I'm trying to delete old package, suspend service (cancelled already) which was created using cpanel module. Also I can't uninstall cpanel module as package & service already exist.


How can I fully delete the cancelled service?

7 answers to this question

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When you want to import existing cPanel account or switch module cpanel to cpanel extended or otherwise,you only have to do one thing ,add service and select module you have to provision and use same details as already set in cpanel(same usernaem,password..etc) and uncheck "use module"......that is it....Otherwise you wil get error...not because blesta module but because there is already account is cPanel and you can't add same account twice..that is why you must untick use module.....There is no need to do any changes on cPanel side....

So if you have firstdomain.com with username firstuser and password firstpassword provisioned with cPanel module,and now you want to switch to cpanel extended you have to create new service and set same params  ..domain firstdomain.com ..user firstuser password firstpassword and before click add ..just uncheck "use module"

Also if you want to remove account from blesta but don't want to delete account from cPanel also just need to uncheck "use module" and than service will be deleted from blesta but will stay intact in cpanel.So in practice if you would like to swtch module cPanel<-->cPanele extended....than you should first remove/cancel existing cPanel account(with "use module" unchecked)from blesta....and than after that create new cPanel account with second module(again with "use module" unchecked using same domain,username and  password you have in cPanel for that account).At this way you will change cPanel module for same account.

Now for your case....it is very simple... if there is already account in cPanel with same domain than you can't create new account with same domain..it doesn't metter you cancel that service in Blesta...if you have existing account you want to import to blesta....or you want to just switch module without deleteing account(this is no different from importing existing account)than you have to use procedure above.

Now if you canceled account and want to create new/fresh account again with same domain...than you have to first make sure that account is deleted in cPanel.....changing WHM api doesn't mean anything.....in fact it does..if you change it before cancel service than there is no way blesta could finish task with old module.....so make sure that there is no that account in cPanel or just domain..(it can be added as addon domain)

I'm still not sure did I understnd your case well...you made mess :) ..you just have to cancel service provisioned with cPanel module(with use module unchecked) and after that just add new service with module cpanel extended(again with use module unchecked)..

Let's try to reproduce it

1.You have created account with cpanel

2.Installed cpanel extended

3.Try to switch module but failed(because it was active service)

4. Change whm api key, password & cancelled client service.

5. created same package & service using cpanel extended module

6.Try to delete service provisioned with cPanel module

Now did you try cancel service added with cPanel module with "use module" unchecked....

If that doesn't work..try cancel/delete service provisioned with cpanel extended(uncheck use module...so you don't have to create account again in cpanel)...than cancel/delete service provisioned with cpanel module...

At this point you should have no service in blesta but there is account in cpanel...now if these steps worked...at this point just import  existing account using cpanel extended module..




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thanks for your reply.

I've created a new package and added service with same domain using cpanel extended module. And also unckeck "use module" when cancel service from client.

the problem is I can't find any option to permanently suspend/remove client service with old cpanel module. old service package is showing under billing>services>cancelled option.

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Well canceled service has no actions on it,it is just there for record......if you really want you can always remove it from dabase  but it is not easy  ...it is not all in one table but ...you can compare more fields to be sure.Services are stored in table "service" but It is not easy to find service you want because there is no package name or any other value you can relay on...but in table "service_fields" there is few fields for every service..like username,password,domain...and in cPanel case it will be cPanel_username,cPanel_password..etc

I supose you can look table service_fields table and there you can easily spot username,domain,email..etc ...when you find fields(there is few for one service..)look for service_id field and that number is id of service in "service" table...so for example if you find 4 fields in "service_fields" table with number 289 as service_id(i think it is 4 for cpanel but you'll see..it will be all with same number)than 289 is ID of your service in "service" table

And make sure you check field "status" in "service"table before delete it(since you have two services with same data..make sure you delete one with status canceled)

Now deleteing it from "service" table it will not be shown any more ..but again be carefull and make sure you identify right service.

Also it is not required but you can also delete fields from "service_fields" and "service_options" that belong to that service,not required for what you want...even if you delete it just from "service" table it will not shown any more but you may want to remove also these fields since there is no service any more that fields are related to.

So if we follow example above and let say you  browse table "service_fields" and there you spot 4 fields for cPanel service where you recognize domain,username and email and you finaly identify service you want to delete ...all 4 fields are with same "service_id" and in this example it is 289.Now service you will looking for in "service" table has id 289 and that is service you want to delete,again just make sure it has status canceled(you can see status in same row).After you delete that service with id 289 than you can also remove fields from table "service_fields" with service_id 289 and field from table service_option with service id 289.

Hope this all has sense to you,if you are not sure than maybe it is better don't go with this route...I really don't see other way to remove canceled service.

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4 minutes ago, Nextop Host said:

Well, it will be better for me to keep that record as cancelled service. thank you so much! :wub:

Well I made much biger mess than it is actually,I will post screenshots tonight...it is few clicks in phpMyAdmin...but now I'm in office and have work to do...in few hours after I get home I post guide with screenshots.

In short you have to go to phpmyadmin...and on left side rows are tables I'm talking about........click on row service_fields and there browse till you spot cpanel username,domain and email of account you want delete...than look what number is in field service_id and memorize it.Exit service_field row and go to service row.....find service with  ID that has same number as number you memorize(service_id) and delete it...just make sure  it has status canceled...since you have two services with same data one will be active and secod canceled

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Here we go,now  go to phpMyAdamin(or whar ever database administration toos you use) and open blesta database and you should see something like this,now depending how many rows are displayed per page there will be more pages..in my case 4...I jumped to 4th since rows are displayed in alphabetical order..and service related rows are at last page in my case...


Now you can see two service rows we are interested...if you click on service row you will see this:



As you see there is no way you can find service you want delete by looking in this row...that is why we will click on row service_fields and it will look like this:



As you can see all fields that belong to same service are with same service_id....also you can see cpanel fields for username,email,domain and password...since only password is hashed you can easily find service you want if you know username,email and domain..and you know it.....so you just have to find fields with username,domain and email same as in your account you want to delete....when you find those fields than look and see what number is in service_id field....and memorize it than again click on service row and will find your self here again:


Than just find service that has same number in ID field as fields in service_id ...as you see in row srvice_fields I taged 4 fields with service_id 2 and if I want to delete service with those username,email and domain I would delete service with id2 in row services.Hop now it has sense for you...

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Now just one more thing when you find and identify service id and before you delete it...check filed status..for that service and make sure it is canceled,since you have provisioned same cpanel account two times...you will probably have 2x 4 fields in row service_fields with same data...and you don't want to delete active service....here is how it look like...(this is row services and service with id 2...I just have to scroll right to see it)


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