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I need help to integrate external domain search form to blesta domain checker. If someone search a domain on external domain search form of my site, it will show the availability result, suggested domain, prices & add to cart option. If select add to cart option, it will be add to blesta cart & user will able to or redirected to configure/checkout page.


Another issue is, it is required to input doamin name + tld extension on blesta doamin checker, otherwise it doesn't show related result. How can I enable domain search without input tld extension? The result will be shown available domain name with tld extensions.


My External Domain Search Form:


Blesta Doamin Search Form:


3 answers to this question

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Well if you want to work without tld part than you can set to query default tld if none is set... or set to run query for multiple tlds if none is selected,you can adapt form as you want just make sure that field names are same and send form request to same action url as blesta checker do.

Now you don't have to show domain availability at front end,you can also link front end form to blesta domain checker...set form field names same as blesta domain checker fields  and set action to be same as blesta domain checker action.There are few threads with explanation and some examples..I remeber I have post few form examples there...search in forum search bar for blesta domain checker or something similar

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No..you don't have to disable  csrf token for everything,you can just disable it for what you need

To disable CSRF for a specific resource, see https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Configuration+Files#ConfigurationFiles-Encryption

Specifically: Blesta.csrf_bypass

Also you may look at this thread 



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