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Invoices reported as sent although the log shows they are "Unsent"

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21 hours ago, furioussnail said:

The system marks unsent invoices as sent when you view customer profile.

I want to be sure I'm understanding.

You are talking about using the invoice delivery functionality, in the invoices widget, on the client profile page.  When you check boxes for the invoices you want, and then submit the delivery method, the invoices are marked as sent, but were actually not sent.  

You want the system to immediately display an error message and not mark the invoices as sent.

Is this all correct?


I apologize for the delay, it looks like I had notifications disabled.

Yes, what you described is correct. It would be a big improvement if Blesta would display an error when it is unable to send messages to customers. Reporting invoices as "Sent" is erroneous.

Thank you.


CORE-2462.  Sorry for the slow response, looks like this one got lost for me too.  Anyhow if you would like to implement this on your system immediately you can update components/invoice_delivery/invoice_delivery.php and add this code on line 164:

if (($errors = $this->Emails->errors())) {


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