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we have already talked about the renew_date in blesta, and i want to re-open again this subject . blesta update the renew date every time the invoice was generated . this leading a big problems for us and our clients.

Firstly some client claim that the renew date showed is in the future and normally it should show the real renew date !!

for example, a service that is renewed in 31-7-2017, when a invoice generated, the renew date will become 31-8-2018 .

this behavior also impacting the observium plugin that we have made for billing calculation between two dates, so if a service has a renew date 31-7-2017 normally the plugin in 31-7-2017 should create invoice for the extra usage from 30-6-2017 to 31-7-2017, when blesta generate invoice, the renew date change to +1 term, the plugin ignore the service because it has a a future renew date and will not included in the billing calculation.

we need a way that the we be sure that the actual service is from X date to Y date, and when the invoice is paid then the renew date can be updated .

the only solution we found is to push all observium users to make the package use prorate for 1st of month, and then we update the plugin to make a calcul in the 1st of the month for the previous month, this way will impact some users that they didn't use prorate and they don't want use it .


If the renew date is not updated until the invoice is paid, then a late payment would prevent the next invoice from being generated. The renew date is used by Blesta internally. Any change to this would have to impact what is *displayed* only to the client. I assume if they pay late, you still want the next month to be invoiced?


From what I see the renew date as displayed to the customer need to be the date the next invoice is due.  If they currently have an invoice for that package it should be that invoces due date (even if it is passed).  I also agree with you that it should keep billing even if they don't pay it but it should show the date in the past (possably in red and bold) showing them it is overdue.



So just in the 2 areas highlighted here? Instead of showing the internal renew date we could do something like this:

1. If there are any open invoices for this service, display the oldest invoice's due date as the Renew Date
2. If there are no open invoices, display the internal renew date (Which should match the most recently closed invoice)

Thoughts? Should the admin be updated some how to show both dates?


37 minutes ago, Paul said:

1. If there are any open invoices for this service, display the oldest invoice's due date as the Renew Date

In some cases, the staff can  change the invoice due date to a future date, so is not a reliable solution. and sometime we need to change the service renew date manually, then is not useful using the invoice due date .

the perfect solution is to update the renew_date when it should be updated (payment only). is not possible to add another date field to play with it? and how others scripts handle this?

  • 7 months later...

Sorry to up this subject again, it cause us  a lot of tickets and calls, and we should every time explain to the client that the renew date is bal bla bla bla bla ......

i'm still insist that the renew date should be the real renew date and what blesta show, the problem only and only occur when invoice is generated for renew, the renew date in blesta is added to +1 term, and a lot of smarty clients claim that their services will be renewed until the showed date and they shouldn't pay the invoice !!! and i totally agree from some point of view that this should be corrected.

Service Added = 01-01-2018, Renew Date = 01-02-2018.

Invoice Generated in 15-01-2018 for renew, the date shown to client :
Service Added = 01-01-2018, Renew Date = 01-03-2019

what it should be showed to the client that their service renew date Service Added = 01-01-2018, Renew Date = 01-02-2018. until the invoice is paid the the renew date should be updated, if not updated the renew date still 01-02-2018. this is the logic, is pain also to have some subject that we have talked about it a years ago without a real fix




Let me know if you have anything to add. My biggest concern is that we may not be able to calculate the display renew date on the fly, as we'll have to look at all invoices associated with the service ID and it could cause performance issues. Maybe we need to store it in a new column for services.

3 hours ago, Paul said:


Let me know if you have anything to add. My biggest concern is that we may not be able to calculate the display renew date on the fly, as we'll have to look at all invoices associated with the service ID and it could cause performance issues. Maybe we need to store it in a new column for services.

i see that adding new column for services is the safest and the easy way. but my concern how it will be populated in all services for the first time? because we should not copy the date_renew to populate it the first time as we will lead the same case.

but in the end you can add any solution you see it workable for the case, we need only the date be so clear for the client.

  • 3 years later...


On 7/20/2017 at 12:16 PM, Paul said:

If the renew date is not updated until the invoice is paid, then a late payment would prevent the next invoice from being generated.

But why is Blesta programmed to be like that? WHMCS has a setting where a box can be ticked

"Continuous Invoice Generation - If enabled, invoices will be generated for each cycle even if the previous invoice remains unpaid"

and with WHMCS I know that I can rely on it to continue creating invoices as long as a client's hosting account exists, including even

during periods when a client's hosting account is suspended.

I would greatly prefer if Blesta also had the same system of a Next Due Date which is based only on the Next Due Date changing after renewal

payments have actually been made.

I am also finding that the system of "Date Renews" is confusing some of my clients when they have an invoice that needs to be paid and a "Date Renews"

showing at the same time which they perceive as indicating that the invoice must be incorrect and they do not need to pay it.

It also makes managing accounts more time consuming for me as I always need to keep in mind that what I think of as the next due date in Blesta

could be different depending on Invoices issued rather than Invoices paid.

After over 12 months experience using Blesta now I am feeling this is a serious issue, serious enough that I am now considering buying a different

alternative to WHMCS when I plan to convert my other sites in the future from using WHMCS to a new program.

In regard to terminology I would prefer there to be "Next Due Date" displayed to both myself and my clients.

Could we please at least have a choice to make all future billing dates Next Due Dates based only on payments made?

5 minutes ago, Saturn said:

But why is Blesta programmed to be like that? WHMCS has a setting where a box can be ticked

Blesta does not work that way, I was saying that it would work that way if we made the change that was requested. Blesta does and will bill on a recurring basis until the service is cancelled.

If you're going to compare with WHMCS,... WHMCS also shows that your client has a 100 GBP transaction even if the client actually paid you 100 USD if you switch their account from GBP to USD.. so let's not use WHMCS as some objective perfect standard of comparison, it doesn't come anywhere close.

Showing a different renew date to clients based on whether they have paid an invoice is a valid request and one we are considering, but surprisingly few have actually requested that. It's not a change in function, but a change in visual display.

11 hours ago, Paul said:

Showing a different renew date to clients based on whether they have paid an invoice is a valid request

I would prefer if Blesta also showed only a Next Due Date in my admin panel too - based only on payments being made, not on whether invoices have been issued or not.

I agree WHMCS is not perfect, such as the version 8 series being less functional to navigate than the older version 7 series was. It seems they somehow thought that having a smaller number of direct links on a page, which often means making an extra click now for routine navigation was an improvement.

One thing about Blesta which is a great feature is the ability to easily add and customize links in both the admin and the client panel.

On 7/21/2017 at 11:26 AM, Paul said:

Thoughts? Should the admin be updated some how to show both dates?

"Both dates" ? Is it not possible to just have one single expiry / renewal date for renewals of both domains and hosting based on payments that have been made before, rather than whether invoices have been issued or not?

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