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What happened? I'm feeling the opposite! :).

Well early hours in the morning, a big spider was crawling up the walls near me :( YUCK! haha and today I made a few mistakes installing Blesta for a customer via ssh. 




Hmm... are you trolling us?  lol because that's a gnarly spider.


Big for the UK :D I hate spiders Yuck. I don't know what breed it was though haha. It scared me off to bed :D


Do you know what kind it is? That is one big spider, I hate those things.


I found one in my bed, right behind my wife the other night. It made the creepiest crunch sound when I smashed it. That was a late night moving furniture and hunting for spiders.


Looks like the ones from the Arachnophobia movie.  haha


Do you know what kind it is? That is one big spider, I hate those things.


I found one in my bed, right behind my wife the other night. It made the creepiest crunch sound when I smashed it. That was a late night moving furniture and hunting for spiders.


Na I don't like spiders haha I think we should call it a Friday 13th spider :). Probably a big house spider.


Well early hours in the morning, a big spider was crawling up the walls near me :( YUCK! haha and today I made a few mistakes installing Blesta for a customer via ssh. 



I think you need to call an exterminator and get that place cleaned out!


I'm sitting in emergency with my wife at the moment.

Two 9mm kidney stones, and a bladder infection.


That's no fun, hope you feel better soon. I'm sure they'll get you on some antibiotics.


I'm sitting in emergency with my wife at the moment.

Two 9mm kidney stones, and a bladder infection.


I read this as "I'm sitting in the emergency room with my wife at the moment. Two 9mm shots to the kidney, and a bladder infection." For a second there, I thought you got shot. And then I wondered why you would be on the forums at a time like this.


I read this as "I'm sitting in the emergency room with my wife at the moment. Two 9mm shots to the kidney, and a bladder infection." For a second there, I thought you got shot. And then I wondered why you would be on the forums at a time like this.


I think we all did, you me and paul :o.. hope she gets better.


I read this as "I'm sitting in the emergency room with my wife at the moment. Two 9mm shots to the kidney, and a bladder infection." For a second there, I thought you got shot. And then I wondered why you would be on the forums at a time like this.


I read it like that too


Says a little bit about how the brain reads and processes words. 



Did aonnye ncitoe how aanizmg Btelsa's new safwtore is?  I cnduo’t bvleiee taht I culod aulaclty uesdtannrd waht I was rdnaieg.  Unisg the icndeblire pweor of the hmuan mnid, it dseno’t mttaer in waht oderr the lterets in a wrod are, the olny irpoamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rhgit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whoutit a pboerlm. Tihs is bucseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey ltteer by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.


Says a little bit about how the brain reads and processes words. 



Did aonnye ncitoe how aanizmg Btelsa's new safwtore is?  I cnduo’t bvleiee taht I culod aulaclty uesdtannrd waht I was rdnaieg.  Unisg the icndeblire pweor of the hmuan mnid, it dseno’t mttaer in waht oderr the lterets in a wrod are, the olny irpoamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rhgit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whoutit a pboerlm. Tihs is bucseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey ltteer by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.


I read that at 90% my normal speed, pretty amazing actually that we can do this -- unless you're a [programmer] and reading still requires careful consideration.


I stumbled on "total", "incredible" and a few other words, so I guess I'm a "kid".


I want to clarify a little better. When in wrote that my wife was yelling and thrashing around in pain, so I made it quick.

Just to clarify, it is my wife with the kidney stones and bladder infection. I never explicitly asked, but I'm assuming the bladder infection is caused by the kidney stones.

Yes the kidney stones are 9mm each.

Unfortunately the Urologist is a hard person to track down so all they did last night was try a couple of different drugs to manage her pain, and an antibiotic for the bladder infection.

Now we are home, but have to wait until Monday to book an appointment with the Urologist. Hopefully they get her in quick and figure out a plan of action. Typically any kidney stones over 4mm get an ultrasonic blast to break it up a bit. While that can potentially cause more pain, it allows her to pass them, and be done with it sooner. 9mm is too large to pass on its own.

(I want to point out I live in Canada. Healthcare is free, but slow as all hell.)


I want to clarify a little better. When in wrote that my wife was yelling and thrashing around in pain, so I made it quick.

Just to clarify, it is my wife with the kidney stones and bladder infection. I never explicitly asked, but I'm assuming the bladder infection is caused by the kidney stones.

Yes the kidney stones are 9mm each.

Unfortunately the Urologist is a hard person to track down so all they did last night was try a couple of different drugs to manage her pain, and an antibiotic for the bladder infection.

Now we are home, but have to wait until Monday to book an appointment with the Urologist. Hopefully they get her in quick and figure out a plan of action. Typically any kidney stones over 4mm get an ultrasonic blast to break it up a bit. While that can potentially cause more pain, it allows her to pass them, and be done with it sooner. 9mm is too large to pass on its own.

(I want to point out I live in Canada. Healthcare is free, but slow as all hell.)


Thank god it's free, I hope she gets better.

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