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Version To Be Installed By Cpanel



I installed blest 2.5.4 several months ago, although I really have not used it

other than some testing.

I see the current version is 3.0.2 and

Jul 12, 2013:  Blesta 3.0: Final Release Date

If I delete/uninstall and install it from cpanel,

what version will I get?


This is a midphase shared server environment with cPanel and neither Midphase nor cPanel support were able to answer this question. 

cPanel 11.38.2 (build 6)


cPanel support suggested I rename my blest install and do a new install!

Hopefully you have a better method.


Of course the next question might be, if they are providing a rather OLD version,

what do I do to get them to provide a newer one?



Dennis German

9 answers to this question

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Oh that's up-to you do you have packages / cPanel setup etc? Because you could upgrade to 3.0.2 and keep the set-up you had before.


Or if you wish to start fresh, get a nice clean DB and remove the 2.5 files. Get your new v3.0 license download 3.0.2 and install it fresh :).

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Hi Dennis,


If you obtained your v2.5 license from midphase, you can request a v3 license from them. The license keys are different. Going from 2.5 to 3.0 is more of a migration than an upgrade because v3 has an entirely new codebase.


See this for installing v3 http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Installing+Blesta

See this for then importing your data from 2.5 to 3.0 http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Migrating+to+Blesta


You can download v3 from the home page of www.blesta.com, and select to start a 30 day free trial during installation. This will allow you to get v3 running while you request and wait for a v3 license key from midphase.

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Thanks for that blinding fast responseS.


The first question is how can I determine what version is going to be installed.

Midphase and cPanel are traditionally lagging with versions.

I have renamed my blesta directory and started the install from cpanel.

can you tell from a screen shot what version is installing?



Although I have done some user definitions and departments etc  sounds like I would be better off starting fresh.



FOr example I have notes regarding adjusting 

table settings_company to update to revise from 1,'en-us','Chris Test','','','name'

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when I post it it gets wacked!


lets try another domain/filename



Although clicking on the above link links to the image.

Thanks again

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Can you coordinate with midphase support?


I have a ticket opened with them Ticket #27422239 -

Most recent response from them is:


>Installer that you are seeing under your cpanel is old - 2.5.4 version.

>Newest version can be installed manually.

>We are currently clarifying how to update your license to 3.0.2 version, in

>case you vant to migrate your installation to newest version.

>We will update you as soon as there be more information.

by Maryan Sulym  <maryans@uk2group.com> 


Thank you.

Dennis German  
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That's what you need the new one, they need to cancel your v2 license and re-issue you a v3 license on their reseller portal.

To get the new files you can download them from blesta.com and order a trial while you wait.

If they don't know how, Paul is always available to assist them.

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