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Anyone know of any good domain registrars who are trusted and have a good pricing structure, and who doesn't use the LogicBoxes control panel from Directi. This is because there are talks about Directi being brought out by EIG (Logicboxes is included in the deal), We've heard some brands won't be sold out and they don't mention Resellerclub.


But I don't want to use EIG unless my life depended on it.








Logicboxes is included is not in  the deal .


resell.biz will be your best choice ... they use logicboxes  platteforme .





In this deal, EIG is expected to get Directi’s most popular hosting tools including Radix Registry, Logic Boxes, Skenzo and BigRock.com. BigRock.com is an especially big coupe for EIG as this company is one of the most popular among India’s clients who are seeking low cost domains. Overall, Directi has claimed a 47% market share in India, with nearly half of the 3,507,100 India based domains being powered by Directi.


Directi owns Logicboxes and that is included in the deal if it get's accepted. That means Logicboxes will be owned by EIG. Which is why I'm looking for a NON logicboxes registrar.


eNom though they are somewhat expensive compared to Resell.Biz etc...


Not really sure of any other "reputable" & reseller-focused companies that don't use LogicBoxes, EIG is getting a good deal here!


Could also be an eye opener for one who might create a solution.


Edit: It is really interesting that DirectI corporate website claims to have been valued at 350+ million dollars yet EIG reports to be possibly buying them out at 100 - 110 million dollars.


Edit: It is really interesting that DirectI corporate website claims to have been valued at 350+ million dollars yet EIG reports to be possibly buying them out at 100 - 110 million dollars.

Honestly $100-$110 million is low ball. Personally I think it would be worth more than that. The company makes a profit, and is certainly in good condition.

As for domain reselling platforms, OpenSRS by Tucows isn't going anywhere. Prices aren't the greatest but they offer so many more tlds than ResellerClub.

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