Hi all,
I understand , that domain names Vietnamese TLD's ain't really supported. In fact not all.
Still, I have have to deal with such.
TLD's here only can be ordered, with a personal appearance at seller, usually VNPT.
I have started setting up setting now, using the universal module....
.vn TLDs , module to execute, Universal Module, checking availability impossible but will become a separate topic
I need:
1- email to be send to xxxxx@xxxx.com
2- upload field ( I assume minimal 3 files)
3- A text field, informing the buyer of the process.. is more like terms & conditions, read only
currently I am testing this with the UNIVERSL MODULE and have so far the following entries:
.VN Domain names
receipient lbl: Send email to : Name: email@address Values: xxxxxxx
With a test order and universal module selected, I get and see nothing, when ordering.
Anyone can help me here to get me started?