I am getting weird errors and unexpected issues with stripe.
I get this error when using a card.
Your card was declined.
The payment gateway returned an error when processing the request.
I have gotten the Live Secret Key and put that in the gateway settings have usd enabled
as that is what my site uses.
Now what happens is when it declines it shows as an error charge under invoice.
But it automatically sets up the account.
I checked the logs and its sending xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for cc and exp here is part of log as
I don't want to put private stuff.
But next to the input it says success and output it says fail.
input success
a:3:{s:6:"amount";i:799;s:8:"currency";s:3:"usd";s:4:"card";a:10:{s:6:"number";s:16:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";s:9:"exp_month";s:2:"xx";s:8:"exp_year";s:4:"xxxx";s:4:"name";s:11:"kevin";s:13:"address_line1";s:17:"2709 ";s:13:"address_line2";s:7:"Apt ";s:11:"address_zip";s:5:"80910";s:13:"address_state";s:2:"CO";s:15:"address_country";s:3:"USA";s:3:"cvc";s:3:"xxx";}}
output - error
a:1:{s:5:"error";a:4:{s:7:"message";s:23:"Your card was declined.";s:4:"type";s:10:"card_error";s:4:"code";s:13:"card_declined";s:6:"charge";s:27:"ch_169OlBKG7OKSskFU7pEZncFA";}}