Can I manipulate tags in email template ?
For eg - Consider support manager plugin (https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Support+Manager) .
I'm editing an email template for "Ticket Received" and I noticed that there are multiple tags available. One of them is {ticket.date_added}. According to the doc, that tag would show "The UTC datetime stamp of ticket creation". Can I change the timezone ? I'd like to show the ticket creation time based on my timezone.
Second tag is {ticket.client_id}, which should client id. Can I show client name ?
{First name} {last name}
{ticket.date_added} (in my timezone)
Lastly, why do I need to use {ticket_hash_code} in the subject line to allow for tickets to be replied to by email and not {ticket.code} ? I'm assuming {ticket.code} is unique too. I'm just curious about this. Its not an issue.