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Found 10 results

  1. Adopting a subscription business model requires of you a dramatic shift in thinking about your customers, products and... metrics. You need to realize that businesses, especially those in the realm of web hosting, are full of levers that you need to push and pull in the correct sequence in order to achieve your goal of rapid growth. Being able to see the correlation between different pieces of collected data is one thing, but how do you even decide which values to measure in the first place? Konrad Keck, ModulesGarden Founder & CEO has come up with a list of most vital metrics that you should track if you wish to know what is really going on inside your web hosting business. Master the techniques of Business Intelligence with these requisite billing reports! https://www.blog.modulesgarden.com/billing-reports-web-hosting-business
  2. multiple invoice for same service.
  3. ssl blesta billing not working
  4. jarek

    Billing overview

    Hi, I would like to change the date range in Billing at a glance --> Revenue this Year. I know it's showing calendar year but I would like to have my fiscal year (1 April - 31 March). Is it possible? Thank you, Jarek
  5. We have a client that needs her credit card dinged on the third Wednesday of the month. Anyone know of a way to automate this in Blesta?
  6. Hello - I have a package setup to bill monthly for a year (Term set to 12 and Period is monthly ) and it invoiced correctly the first month but then the renewal date is set to a year out so I have to manually change it. Is that not the correct configuration? Thx Blesta - 4.0.1
  7. Dont know what coud be wrong, but that new Revenue (Year to Date) in 4.0.0 is not showing anything for me...
  8. We're currently investigating whether Blesta could suit our needs, and I was wondering about billing and invoices. Currently, it appears to be possible for a customer to change their address info, which retro-actively changes old invoices (so my address is 123 Sesame St., I get an invoice, I change my address to 1 Infinite Loop and suddenly that same invoice has the new address). We'd rather see the address at time of invoice generation being "stickied" to the invoice somehow, since otherwise we'd technically be changing history. I did some cursory searching on the forums and JIRA, there's CORE-923 which pretty much fills our need here, but I have no idea how long it'll take for this feature to make it to production. Is this something we could somehow achieve on the current version? (I'm afraid not, but asking never hurts) I have to say I'm much more impressed by the code and documentation of Blesta versus some other software we're evaluating (I'm sure you can guess the name...), so that's nice.
  9. Hi, My scenario is like I have azure account for hosting my customers websites on Azure, I want to allow each customer to manage there sites and each site have there separate billing. My requirement is: when I login into my Azure account then I should be able to see each customer's billing separately. Problem is on Azure we do not have the option to view pricing per website. Pricing can be viewed per subscription. So under my one Azure account there will be one subscription and under one subscription there will be multiple sites with different domains. So I want to view billing for each site. So is there any way to do that using your tool? Please note Azure is pay as you go so if website hits increases then cost will increase, if database size increase then cost will increase. Thanks, Dilip
  10. Hi, Is there any Freeradius capable functionality in the core or relevant module available for Blesta? A good example and description would be the th Hostbill App located here. Best regards, Patrick
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